Review: Sims 3

By Zoki Phantom

All of us get bored sometimes, and most of us are actually bored most of the time, so what can we do to keep ourselves entertained? Watch a movie, listen to some music, or play a game! It wouldn't be really a bad thing if we disconnect from the internet for a few hours and just play a game instead. Plus, there is a huge choice of games, so you can always find something that you'll like. There are games for different tastes, and there are games for any taste. From the later category we can mention the Sims.

Such a nice, sweet, and interesting game. You get to control your own family! You make the characters (their look and personalities), you create and decorate the house they'll live in, and then you "lead" them in their lives. You decide what kind of a job they'll take, will they have good or bad grades at school, will they marry or stay alone, etc. Plus, Sims 2 and all the expansion packs brought many new features. You could go out of the house on holiday or something, have pets, do magic, and even have a way bigger choice of furniture and other household items. It was simply fantastic, and, now that the Sims 3 is here, it's even more fantastic!

Although there are no expansion packs yet, so there aren't that many items, the game sure does have a big variety of stuff, and it actually even lets you customize the clothes by color and pattern. In case you're anxious and can't wait for the new expansions, you can always buy stuff from the Sims 3 Store on their site. Other good futures are the open neighbourhood, the fact that you don't have to wait so much for the town screen to load, you can send your sims to a different place without waiting a lot of time, and you don't have to send your sims to the bathroom all the time - you can actually just do it once or twice a day. There are also many new job opportunities that you will surely like, and you will definitely enjoy most of the stuff as pretty much everything is customizable now, and yet, it's rather easy to be done.

But, you will probably need to set priorities, as there are many things you can try to improve or satisfy, like your job, your relationships, your needs (feeding, socializing, etc.) and you simply won't have the time to do all that at once. But we can't manage to do everything at once in real life as well, right? So no need to get nervous about that. The only bigger downside, if it can be seen as one, is that you will probably need a better computer if you want to play it. It's not the game with the biggest requirements out there, but it still requires a better computer.

Anyway, the game generally gets a lot more positive critics than negative, so if you have the requirements, you should definitely buy it! And then you can simply play and enjoy it while waiting for the expansion packs which we have yet to see what will be.

Sims 3