Checklist for a Really Enjoyable Year at HOL

By Rachel Selenia

  • Sign up each term for at least one of all the interesting classes.
  • Be sure to be registered in The Sett! There are loads of activities going on there during the year (many of which include beautiful shiny citrines...).
  • Do your homework. The assignments are FUN!
  • Join a club, or maybe more than one. It's a great way to add some extra zest to your stay at HOL. And you'll get more new friends!
  • Play Quidditch! If you don't already know everything about Harry Potter, you soon will.... You'll also get quicker fingers, learn to type "dodge" in your sleep — and you'll get beautiful shiny citrines!
  • Remember to do your homework. No homework=no House points — and we all want house points!
  • Participate in projects in the Library and the Art Department. They're enjoyable, and you'll get a chance to show your wonderful creations for everyone in HOL — and did I mention you'll get house points?
  • Get new friends in the chat room. There are always people in the IRC channels, so don't hesitate to log in and say hello — maybe you'll get a new best friend?
  • Did I mention "Do your homework"? It IS fun, and you DO want Hufflepuff to win the House Cup, right? No homework=no house points=no House Cup. So get those assignments done, show pride for your house, and we'll win that Cup. Go Hufflepuff!