The 2009-2010 Quidditch Season Starts

By Narcissa Heart

The HOL 2009/2010 Quiddtch year begins soon! As I was interviewing this season's fans, I got a feeling of real excitement for it to begin. During the last Summer Quidditch League game, I was able to talk to Alison Jameson and Brian McCorquodale, who had this to say about the up coming season.

Narci: Hi "AlyJ," as you're known here on IRC, let me ask you first: What is your favorite part of being an HOL Quidditch fan?
Alison: First, I like the excitement of all the people watching and cheering on their teams. There are a lot of fans in #grandstand and on the #quidditch pitch and it makes it a lot of fun to be there with everyone. I also like to watch the really fast players play against each other — it's inspiring to those who aren't at their level, but want to be.

Narci: What is your favorite part of the game?
Alison: Bludgers' they test your typing skills and not trivia, plus I love some of the players' failing dodges.

Narci: What is your favorite position in Quidditch?
Alison: I've always admired the keepers; everything is on them to protect their goals. I don't think many could handle the pressure.

Narci: What is your favorite part of the HOL Quidditch season?
Alison: I like the first game, nothing is decided; it's a clean slate for all players and teams.

Narci: Is there anything else you would like to add to every on there?
Alison: I just hope that this year everyone involved has fun, the way Quidditch is supposed to be.

Thank you, Alison, for answering some questions for me, and yes, HOL Quidditch is a very exciting game for not only the players but for the fans as well.

I also got the opportunity to talk to Brian McCorquodale — another Hufflepuff Quidditch fan.

Narci: What is the biggest thing that draws you to Quidditch?
Brian: Quidditch is really interesting in a variety of ways. Not only does it test the player's knowledge of Harry Potter trivia, but it also tests reflex time and ability to respond quickly. Having a high aptitude for playing Quidditch assesses multiple skills and as such it is very intriguing to watch, seeing as it is so difficult.

Narci: With what you have seen of Quidditch, what do you feel is the most exciting part of the game?
Brian: For me, the most exciting part of watching a game is seeing "BLUDGER!!" and waiting for the players' responses (and even seeing IRC lag a little bit from all of the "dodges"). It's always interesting to see which player will get thrown out, etc. Additionally, it's always very exciting to watch a chaser go up against a keeper in an attempt to score a goal!

Narci: What Quidditch playing position do you feel is the best? And which do you feel is the hardest?
Brian: For me, Chaser is the most exciting, because it is very exciting to go against the Keeper. In addition, I think that Keeper is the hardest, because you are the last line of defense between the Chaser and the goal. (I didn't include Seeker in this answer because I do not really know very much about Snitch play, so this may be considered skewed.)

Narci: What is the most exciting play you have seen during a Quidditch match?
Brian: Anything that involves a discussion with the referee is usually exciting. Anticipation builds up as you wait for the players involved to reach an agreement with the referee. In today's SQL match between the Barcelona Bombers and Holy Egg Exterminators, for example, Ryan Lobiesk was given credit for his answer of "skylue," when the answer was "sky blue." This decision was made after an antagonizing wait.

Narci: As a fan, what does Quidditch mean to you?
Brain: Quidditch, although highly competitive, is a very efficient way to get to meet new people. Whether you are a player, or participating as a spectator, it's always fun to see who people are cheering a team on, debate with them, and sometimes even make bets. (Just kidding, of course.)

Thank you, Brian, for sharing with us what you like about HOL Quidditch and what it is like for you as a fan. We have several ways to enjoy being a Quidditch fan here at HOL. As mentioned before, you can watch the Quidditch match from the actual Quidditch pitch in #quidditch, or you can also watch the game and cheer in #grandstand, which is a room where our cheerleaders and fans go crazy with cheering and rooting for their favorite teams. I invite you all to come out and join us this season for another exciting group of games. You can find on the calendar in the Sett when games will be held. Here is to a great season, everyone!