An Interview with Prof. Christopher Allan Malfoy

By Maquelly John

<Maq> Hi Hi Peeps!! This is Maquelly John interviewing Professor Christopher Allan Malfoy!!
<Maq> was that good?
<ChristopherMalfoy> Yes
<Maq> Cool beans!
<Maq> Question One: What made you become a professor?
<ChristopherMalfoy> Well I felt like being just a student wasn't enough for me. I love teaching loads and so what better thing to do then become a full professor.
<Maq> Awesomeness! Question Two: What is the reason (if any) behind the change of your name from Adam Malfoy to Christopher Allan Malfoy?
<ChristopherMalfoy> Well I felt when making the change from student to professor I needed a new name — you know, like having a new look — so I picked Christopher, my RL name; Allan was a nickname Jade gave me who is really special to me <3; and Malfoy I stuck with my last name because I still love Draco.
<Maq> I quite like the new name personally!
<ChristopherMalfoy> lol thanks!
<Maq> You currently teach two classes here on HOL, care to describe them a bit?
<ChristopherMalfoy> Well Comparative Wizardry is where we look at different wizarding shows, movies, items, etc. and compare them. We speak about loads of things from different types of spells to Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It's quite enjoyable. Roman Mythology is where we speak about the different myths and stories the Romans had. We learn about Diana and gods and such of that nature. That class is quite fun also.
<Maq> Have you had many students sign up for each of these classes?
<ChristopherMalfoy> Yes I have had many signs ups for these classes.
<Maq> That is excellent! What are your plans for the new year here on HOL?
<ChristopherMalfoy> Well I plan to help out as much as I can with HOL. I have the time for it. Class-wise I have wacky fun projects that will be available, and people earn beans and awards for completing the projects. I also plan on running a few events of my own in HOL.
<Maq> Are those events top secret still at this stage?
<ChristopherMalfoy> Yes very much so ;] especially the class project. I will give this hint though with the class project — you will need other teachers' guidance in order to complete it. Muahauahaua! But it will be fun though!!
<Maq> It certainly sounds it! Do you think you will just stick to the one house (Ravenclaw) after squibbing so much as a student?
<ChristopherMalfoy> Well I don't think, I KNOW I'm done squibbing. Ravenclaw is my final house and that's that. No, I will not be going to Hufflepuff, and no I won't be going back to Gryffindor and Slytherin. I'm staying right where I'm at. My squib days are over.
<Maq> Are you sure you don't want to visit us Huffs?
<ChristopherMalfoy> Now I admit I do love the Hufflepuffs, such as my three play children Hermionie, Katelin, and Maquelly. I also do love Cosmo, Tarma, Asky and my Lillystar, but unfortunately I wont be joining Hufflepuff.
<Maq> Finally any advice for all the HOLers out there?
<ChristopherMalfoy> umm
<ChristopherMalfoy> I advise all the new and current HOLers out there to be as active as possible do assignments to get those house points, submit any HOL ideas you might have and most importantly HAVE FUN!
<Maq> Thank you for your time Professor Chris!!
<ChristopherMalfoy> No problem.