Summer at Hogwarts
I decided to stay at Hogwarts over the summer because my family is away on a trip, so I stayed with some other Slytherin students and Professor Scarlet. Some students I already know, like Aurelia, were staying. So, me and Aurelia shared a comfy bunk bed together. We got to have movie night, just the 3 of us, with Professor Scarlet. We also had game night a lot because there were only a couple of us left there. In the daytime, we could explore anywhere in the castle other than other houses' common rooms. I also fed Basil some Basil food. We can go into classrooms and at night go up to the astronomy tower. It was really fun because it was just Scarlet, me, Aurelia, and February. All the other houses went home. The only other person was the Headmaster. So, we got to do whatever we wanted.
In the daytime, we knitted and crocheted sweaters for everyone else. We were allowed to go into the common rooms to put them on everybody's beds. I also asked to get a trampoline delivered to Hogwarts, so they got that, and then we could all jump around on the trampoline together. We also found an abandoned pool, which we cleaned up, filled up, and then we were allowed to use it. We planted some stuff in the greenhouses and tended the stuff that was there. We read over Maxim's notes of how to do it so we did it correctly. We went outside and painted the lake and Hogwarts. We found Spooney, an even bigger Basilisk than Basil, the biggest basilisk in the world. We made sure not to look in its eyes. We made little terrariums for the Slytherin common room. We also built an elevator so we could go straight up to the Great Hall from the Dungeons.
We got to make our own food in the kitchens. We gave the house elves a summer break, so some of the students brought them home. They went only to the people of wizarding families, not the ones with Muggle parents. We also made littler sweaters for the house elves and left them in the kitchen. We made a little spot in our common room for the house elves to have a little bedroom. We found a little baby house elf named Daffodil. So, we put her in our little house elf room, and she got to enjoy movie night with us. We made apple pies while we were waiting for everybody to come back. We made cherry and apple pies for the day that everybody came back. So when the house elves got back, they could sit up with all the house tables and eat their food.
I found a little toddler that had been bitten by a poisonous snake so I took it back to Hogwarts and found some healing herbs to put on it. Then I wrapped up stuff around where the herbs were so it didn't fall off. The toddler got to sleep in my bunk bed with me. We temporarily put her in Slytherin because that was the common room she was staying in. Then I went to the Muggle world to get her some shoes and some clothes. Then I came back and got her dressed. Then, during the daytime sometimes, I would put on the TV and me and her could watch some Disney TV shows. I named the little girl Willow Daisy Lovegood. Then, I ran back to the Muggle world and got her a bicycle. We rode around the grounds a little bit. I ran to Diagon Alley and got a carrying case for her that had snitches on it. I also got us some snitch masks to wear. Then we went back to Hogwarts, and she became my best friend.