Slytherin Report
Welcome to the Slytherin Report! It's hard to believe the Spring term — and the HOL school year — is coming to an end. It flew by so quickly!
Slytherin has had a very successful year. We gained a new professor in Will Lestrange, who continues to lead the Arcade Club. Will is also our Quidditch Captain and is working with other HOLers to move the game in an exciting new direction! Slytherin also acquired two new Prefects, February Fortescue and Emily Spencer. Emily can often be found in the Book Club on the HOL Forum, where she and other Book Club staff create activities sharing their love for books. February runs Slytherin Sidekick, a place for Slytherins to make a new friend. She, along with fellow Prefect Arianna Stonewater and Head of House Prof. Scarlet Leslie-Lewis, teamed up to continue the Harry Potter Read Along, which has been a journey through all seven novels, and included trivia and tasks. The Read Along concluded in May, after running over five exciting years. Slytherin also welcomed three Promising Students, who were introduced in the previous Slytherin Report: Aurelia West, Louis Walles, and Lucia Dinapoli.
Slytherin offers many wonderful activities to enjoy during the last month of the term, throughout the summer, and continuing into the fall! Be sure to check out Silly Snakes, which is chock full of fun and games for everyone, and Puzzle Exchange, for those among us who enjoy working and creating puzzles. If board games are more to your liking, we also have a new Gobstones Club. For discussion, don't forget our lively Serpent Lounge!
Slytherin also publishes SerpenTimes. Our current issue is titled "Verdict," and the deadline for submission is June 15th. See the Slytherin forum for more details! If you'd like to contribute but didn't make it in time, no worries! We'll have more issues beginning in the fall!
We'll be finishing up the year with our annual Emerald Cup, which runs 1 June — 30 June. This year Slytherin is having a trial: Basil vs. Brabas! One of our two house pets stole the gems Hogwarts uses to add up house points, and we need all of HOL's help to discover the guilty party! I admit I'm a little biased and I have my suspicions, but in the end, the truth will out!
See you in the Dungeons, and looking forward to an even more successful next year!