My Jedi Journal, March

By Tarm Black

Catch up on previous installments of My Jedi Journal! Year One: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; Year Two: 1, 2, 3, 4; Year Three: 1,2, 3, 4.

Dear Diary,
It's March and I'm getting really tired of it being rainy and windy all the time. I'd swear my Quidditch robes are growing mold on them except I know they aren't because the cleaning folks really use good potions and charms to get them clean. And the homework is getting really hard. I mean, I'm having to study! There is so much else I could be DOING besides studying!

Actually, it's all not so bad. I'm just in sort of a strange mood because of what happened last weekend.

I saw Fred this last weekend. We all went to Hogsmeade and he was there, in The Three Broomsticks. That's the good news. The bad news is that I was so carefully not watching him and the surroundings, so that he wouldn't know I have this huge crush on him (yeah, back to having a crush on him and not Mark, Miss Fickle herself here ...), that I tripped over someone's foot and sort of spilled my hot tea all over him.

Then I disappeared into the floor. Actually I didn't but I sure wanted to disappear into the floor. ... RATS ...

He was really nice about it all. He said something like 'oh don't I know you?' and mentioned having met me when he was with his cousin, Alanna. So I was like all red from embarassment but at the same time, he actually remembered me! So that's sort of great.

He said something about coming to watch the Quidditch game next weekend, too. We're playing Gryffindor. I said something about playing Quidditch and he said he played too and I said I knew and then he said something about coming to watch the game. I hope I don't play next weekend ... with my sort of luck I'll fall off the broomstick or whack a bludger right at him or something. Other folks, they do really well when they know they are being watched. Not me.

On other news, earlier today I saw a flobberworm for the first time. Eeeuuuch. They are so gross! I guess they have good stuff in them for potion making or something but definitely they are not something that I'd want for a personal pet. Eeeuuuu.

My Herbology teacher is going to have a baby soon. She's really huge -- I wonder who will be taking over her class while she's out? Maybe they'll cancel the class for a while! Wouldn't that be GREAT?

Scalawag has been getting in trouble lately. Evidently she thinks that Mary's pet rat is supposed to be some sort of dessert and so she keeps stalking that rat. So far I've managed to keep her under control. But it's sort of difficult during class times.

Well, I guess that's it for now. See you later, Diary!