March 2010 Pill
Spring has finally sprung (or the date says so)! Some places in the country (USA) and around the world are still having snow, but sooner or later the flowers will bloom.
What do you enjoy &mdash or not enjoy &mdash MOST about Spring?
I, myself, have always loved Spring as I believe it is the best season of the year. I love watching the trees start to bud and slowly sprout tiny leaves. Some trees produce beautiful bright colored flowers first and then change to their green leaves. What fun it is to watch the flowers peek up through the now- soft ground. The one flower I can't wait to see is the daffodil. My mother planted them outside of our kitchen window and every year these yellow flowers signaled the coming of Spring. I am sure most everyone watches as the brown, dry grass on the lawns turn deep green. The days' sunlight lasts longer and longer. I appreciate the sun coming up earlier in the morning, as I hate getting up to go to work in the dark and then coming home in the dark.
Of course Spring does have its downside, too. Unfortunately I suffer, like so many others, from allergies and Spring and Fall can be miserable when the pollen count gets really high. Medication does help me some. Some years I think I should get stock in a tissue company. Spring also brings rain, sometimes a lot of it, which can cause rivers, streams and brooks to overflow their banks. This leads to massive flooding &mdash not just filling yards, but basements, whole homes, streets and even towns.
Once again Hufflepuff students and Professors were asked to give their very own opinions about their likes and dislikes of Spring.
What people LIKE about Spring
- Longer Sunshine &mdash 4 votes (40%)
- Warmer Temperatures &mdash 4 votes (40%)
- Flowers Blooming &mdash 0 votes (0%)
- The Birds Singing in the Morning &mdash 1 vote (10%)
- Other &mdash 1 vote (10%)
What people DON'T like about Spring
- Allergies &mdash 4 votes (40%)
- The Time Change &mdash 2 votes (20%)
- Flooding &mdash 1 vote (10%)
- Other &mdash 3 votes (30%)
Now for your reading enjoyment, please read the Hufflepuff student's and professor's opinions.
Hermione Miranda
"I love spring! It makes me feel good, going out in nice weather, NOT getting sick. Also, my birthday is in spring, so spring time has a lot have stuff for me to look forward to! "
Lilly Stargazer
"I like seeing all the flowers and trees blooming in the Spring...all things coming back to life. I also like the warm-ish temperatures, but it reminds me of the HEAT that will all too soon follow! The allergies are also something i could do without! "
Tarma Black
"The brightness of the forsythia flowers, a bright sunshiny gold, are especially welcomed by me, followed by daffodiles, the red bud and dandelions ... and lots of other tiny plants. I really really like seeing and feeling their cheerful presences.
I sort of like the longer hours of daylight, the birds singing (although there are birds here all year round -- I listen to eagles 'chirp' in the morning in the middle of winter), the warmer temperatures, too -- but it's the lovely lovely flowers that I enjoy and mean 'spring' to me. (It's so overcast here so often ... that sometimes the only 'sunshine' available is that of the flowers! )
And yes, I wish that daylight savings time was abolished. The hours of sunlight are going to be as they naturally are, whether or not two-leggeds play with 'statistics'"
Professor Felicia Hartwick
"I love the longer hours of sunshine.. it is so much more heart warming to still have time to get outside (for some people.. not me.. my next response will explain) and go for a walk, ride a bike.... or just go get some ice cream.
Now the reason I HATE spring.... it's because with the warmer weather the snakes start to emerge from their nests.. which happen to be in the foundation of my house. The seem to love one basement window on the driveway side. When it gets warm you can see them sticking their little heads out to see if it's safe. which it isn't cause I send the kids after them to get rid of them... we've been practicing our Avada Kedavra all winter. "
Rose Alstien
"I clicked other for the first poll, since even though I like all of the things listed, I LOVE that my birthday is in spring! "
Ashley Denver
"I love Spring because of the warmer temperatures, but also because it isn't too hot out. I also like how there is the longer sunshine. It always feels do depressing in the winter time when it gets so dark out early. When it's nice out. there is more to do. It's not too cold out to do anything, and it's not too hot out where you feel uncomfortable. I also love seeing the flowers come. Spring is just a really pretty season. "
Narcissa Heart
"I love Spring for so many reasons, but the more light is a big one for me, I love it! "