The Wizarding Times

My Jedi Journal

By Tarma Black
(Get caught up on the Journal! One, Two, Three, Four.)

Dear Diary,

I woke up early this morning before it was light and just lay there and stared at my curtains on the bed. Oh yeah, we have these really cool beds with curtains all around them and a canopy and stuff. Scalawag was on the other pillow sleeping, all curled up, and didn't even stir when I got up. I put my robe on and wandered out to the Common Room, which was all dark except by the fireplace where some torches were burning. No one else was up and I went to sit in one of the armchairs by the fire. It was really neat and quiet -- with my feet stretched out towards the fire and toasty warm.

Then someone came between me and the fire and I screeched and jumped! This "someone" screeched and jumped, too, and dropped what they were carrying--CLANG! It turns out that this someone is what is called a "house elf," and she was going to clean up the ashes from around the fireplace. I felt so silly... and apologized to her for screeching. She's really nice and her name is Mokie. She brought me some hot chocolate and some croissants--fresh from the kitchen!

Anyway, so I went back and changed into my school robes. Scalawag was waking up and scolded me for leaving without taking her with her. (I'm not sure I understand how I know what she is scolding me for, but that's okay. Maybe it's "magic"?) I told her that I had to leave now to go to breakfast and classes, and she was fine with that as soon as I fed her. She stalked off, like she was going to hunt something, very busy--I knew she'd be okay in there.

Well, Amy and I got lost going to the Great Hall. By the time we arrived, most all of the food was gone. But we got some anyway. Then we went to the classes. We're in most of the same ones; I guess they stick first years in all the beginning classes.

I don't want to talk about the classes. I'd always done really well in school and today I found out that, not only do I know nothing about magic, I seem to have a tendency to really mess things up. In Potions, my cauldron bubbled and spilled over. In Transfiguration, my match turned into a gooey mess. In Charms, I set the teacher's hat on fire. In Herbology, the plant BIT me and I had to go to the Hospital wing. And the other classes were even worse. But, at least I survived them. And it wasn't really so bad everyone laughing at what happened... I guess.

But dinner was GREAT! Yes, we had everything that I could possibly want again, and more. I'm so glad that I'm wearing these baggy black robes. Then we had some free time, and Amy and I found a couple of kids in the Common Room who were playing some sort of Wizard Game. It's called Exploding Snap and it is totally GROSS! The little balls spit a gooey nasty stuff at you if you lose that turn or something (I'm not sure of the rules of the game yet). It sure is fun to watch, though. Scalawag came in and was watching and I barely caught her from leaping onto the game board and catching one of the little balls.

It's been a long day, a very long day, and I'm so sleepy and it's barely 8:30! I think I'll just finish up here and go to bed and not go back to the Common Room. And I'll hope that tomorrow I don't set anyone's hat on fire!