The Wizarding Times

Hello, Hello!

by Professor Anya Chutney

Greetings and Salutations!

In case we haven't met, I'm Prof. Anya Chutney, the new Head of House for Hufflepuff. I'm thrilled to be able to take over the keys from our dear Prof. Olivia Rictusempra who has gone off to warmer climes to enjoy the tropical sunshine, and drinks with little umbrellas in them.

I started out as a student in Hufflepuff, many years ago, so I have always considered myself a true Badger, even before I became a Professor and Administrator! I'm currently teaching a few classes and am a member of the Head Office, as well as being graced with the opportunity to lead our dear House of Hufflepuff.

Our House is working hard, as always, both in play and in actual HOL work. Our Games Tent

and Kitchen are bustling with activity. The Library Shelves are always being dusted, and we are running contests and games that we'd love everyone to check out!

I'm slowly catching up on what everyone is doing around the Sett and am trying to make sure that any Hufflepuff student or staff member who needs help has it available to them!

I'll keep it short this month (I tend to babble). So, "Hello!" "Howdy!" "Hola!" It's great to be here and I look forward to tackling the end of this term with much energy and many plates of brownies and cookies!


Prof. Anya Chutney
Head of House, Hufflepuff

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