The Wizarding Times

Citrine Cove

By Rorey Padfoot

We are now halfway through the term and the race for who will earn the most citrines this year is still going strong. As of the beginning of February, here are the top three citrine earners. We have Kath Snape holding strong as leader with 1,074 citrines. A very close second would be--me--Rorey Padfoot with 1,032. And in third place, we have the lovely Felicia Hartwick with 867. We still have time for anyone to catch up to these hard working Badgers.

If you are new to Hufflepuff or to HOL in general, you might be asking what are citrines anyway? Citrines are used in Hufflepuff as points to keep track of the earnings from contests and games that we hold in the Sett. Citrines are pretty shiny gems that come in all shapes, sizes, and more importantly golden-yellow colors.

When you visit the Sett Shop you will see on the left hand side you will see how many citrines you have earned to date. We update our citrine count every month so if you have any questions about how many citrines you have earned in a month, please look at the Citrine Table post located in the Fireside for all to see.

The secret to earning citrines is knowing how to find the games and contests that award them. The first and best place to look for games is in The Sett's own Department of Huffle Games and Sports. At the beginning of

each month there are new challenges that are created for all to try and solve. You have an entire month to turn in your answers for each challenge. You can also find citrine earning projects in The Fireside, The Badger Bookshelf, and The Huffle Kitchen.

Have an idea for a challenge yourself? We always welcome new ideas from our fellow badgers to run a challenge on their own. If you would like to present an idea make sure you have all your details in writing. The more details the better. Then, present it in a PM to your Prefect. (To find your prefect, look in Huffle Orientation Lesson #1.) The Prefect will then present it to all the other Prefects and Professors to discuss the idea. After it has been discussed you will receive a PM back from a Prefect stating if your idea was approved or denied. Please don't get discouraged if the idea is denied, it's the Badger way to keep trying.

Now, where and how can you spend your hard earned citrines? Let me present to you the Sett Shop. The Sett Shop carries many different items for your purchasing pleasure. Our Head Prefect Cosmo Brown has been working hard in adding items in the Shop for everyone to purchase. The Shop contains Pocket Sneakoscopes, Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans, and all Badgers need a bottle of Parker Repellent, plus much, much more.