The Wizarding Times


By Ellie Warhol, Ravenclaw

Summertime is coming up; we all can feel it with exams around the corner and the sun starting to shine more each and every day. Around HOL there is not too much to do in summer with classes being over, people having summer jobs, people going to camps, and everything feeling a bit more slow.

I started a few polls with "Yes or No" questions to find out what the majority of people are doing this summer and to find out a few other things. I asked the question: "Do you think there being a book club in HOL, that HOL will be more active in the summer?" In the PPC the most votes went to the answers "Maybe" and "No"; in the HOL forum it was clear that nobody thought that the Book Club would really change anything, and in the Ravenclaw Common Room the most votes were for "No." I suppose if you are not an active member in the Book Club, it will not change your HOL summer. I also asked about summer jobs, of the people I interviewed, almost everybody said they have or where going to try and get a summer job this summer.

Last year the PPC had a summer camp with the theme Backpacking through Europe with activities in different European countries. Prof. Audiaa said, "I'm not sure yet, but we might have another summer camp." If we do end up

having another summer camp, we will at least know about one enjoyable summer thing to do.

To many, there are pros and cons to summer coming soon. I asked other questions to HOLers, and received answers to the question "Are you excited to be done with the school year?" Belladonna Caoimhe, a first year Ravenclaw, said:

"Yes and No, because this end means a lot to me... I've just finished high school this March and it really hurts to know that my batchmates and I will soon be treading separate paths... we will soon be pursuing different courses, different paths, no more day-outs, no more bivouac days, no more highschool pranks and all which really makes me sad."

It goes to show how we each have good and bad thoughts about summer coming.

To conclude, I suppose with summer around the corner we each have our pros and cons in our opinions, our reasons for wanting summer to come or our reasons why we wish it was spring for longer, our enjoyment of no homework in HOL, but our sadness of less activity here also.