The Wizarding Times

The Sett Through the Eyes of Ickle Firsties

By Celeste Marivaux

What do they really see and think?
Is Parker their hero? Do they really Look up to Prefects or try to ignore them? Are the professors driving them crazy with orientation? Are they really shy and quiet or are they secretly playing their own secret Ickle Firstie games in the Hufflepuff shadows?

These are the questions I set out to get answered. I was determined to find some Ickle Firsties and trap them in the Broom Closet till they confessed their deepest and darkest secrets. Well, OK, maybe not their deepest darkest secrets. I will leave those for next issue.

My first point of action was finding some willing volunteers for my interview. I tried yelling out my request in the Common Room, posting notes on the bulletin board, leaving friendly notes on their pillows. But, nothing seemed to work.

Finally, out of sheer desperation, I decided to try one last thing. I planted chocolate frogs, muffins, and every flavour beans all over the Sett. I planted them in a trail straight to the Broom Closet. All of a sudden, two willing Ickle Firsties took the bait and followed the trail with their grubby chocolate fingers and faces. Once they were in the closet, I entered and locked the door behind me.

I had my friendly Quick-Quote Quill and parchment ready and stared deeply into their eyes. Both of them were startled and jumped as the door closed. I explained to them who I was and why they had been lured here. The two students I had the opportunity of interviewing were Nerissa Allison and Kevin Britt.

Nerissa was slightly upset at all the mess in the Broom Closet and immediately, before even sitting down, began to dust the shelf and stack the quaffles and brooms neatly. She even carried a small can of spray in her pocket and began poisoning the air with the smell of roses and potpourri. Kevin, on the other hand, was more interested in bewitching the brooms than worried about why he was there in the first place. He also found some more chocolate frogs and began unwrapping and eating them, while throwing the wrappers on the floor. Nerissa obviously was not too pleased about this.

"Well, shall we begin the interview then?" I began by asking some very basic questions.

Q. "So, Nerissa, when did you join HOL?"
A. "I joined in early January of this year. Quite excited about it."

"And you Kevin?"

"Well, let's see, I joined this great place known as HOL on January 13th, 2008. Mmm, it seems it was longer ago than that with so much stuff that I have done so far--oh, well."

Q. "So, you both have only joined this year, tell me how did you find HOL? Did you receive an OWL regarding your entry?
A. "Well, I have a friend at Drama who is the biggest HP fan in the class, and she told me about it. She's a student at HOL herself. I thought it would be cool to try, so here I am! I had NO idea what I was doing! " Nerissa bursts out with excitement.

I turned to Kevin waiting for his answer. But he still was too intrigued with the brooms. I pulled my glasses down to the end of my nose and cleared my throat. "Oh Me? Oh, Well I was in my apartment, looking at the Daily Prophet, when I came across it, 'HOL needs students; apply now,' and I thought 'Hey, that is for me! I would love to be a part of HOL!' So--here I am!"

Q. "How wonderful... Nerissa, you said you had a friend that is a member of HOL. How about you Kevin? Did you know anyone before joining?"
A. "Um, no, but I do now."

"Well It must be exciting for both of you." Both of the students gleamed with HOL Pride, knowing now that they were part of something so grand. Nerissa had a tear streaming down her face, while she reminisced at her opening feast in the Great Hall and being sorted and accepted in Hufflepuff.

Q. "Speaking of being sorted, what House were you hoping to be sorted into?"
A. Nerissa and Kevin both looked at each other, as if they had a secret to hide. Finally Kevin came out and said it. "Um, Gryffindor."

"Hmm, interesting. And you, Nerissa?" "Honestly? Ravenclaw. That's because I'm intelligent and wanted a house that could feed my intellectual hunger. "

"Well, I am sure you will find many Hufflepuffs that can satisfy your hunger, whether it's 'intellectual' or not. Anyway, whoever heard of smart food? If food were so intelligent, they wouldn't be eaten, would they? If you ask me, intelligent hunger is nonsense, since intelligence can't eat."

Kevin and Nerissa both looked stunned; I presume that the stale air in the closet was making them open their mouths wider to breathe more air.

Q. "Well since you both wanted to go into other houses, what was it like when you first got sorted into Hufflepuff? Were you excited? What did you think?
A. Nerissa jumped up and yelled with her hands in the air, "I'M IN HUFFLEPUFF?!?!", then she sat back down and said--"Oh, I got over it, though. Now the Huff pride reigns in me!!"

I looked at Kevin. And you? "Hufflepuff? Hufflepuff??, but then, later, I was glad to be put here. I love my House, and I like my fellow Badgers." Kevin said, showing off his Hufflepuff cloak.

Q. "What did you think the Sett would be like? Is it anything like you expected?"
A. "Well, it's more than I thought; I never knew there would be so many things to do in the Sett," Kevin answers.

"I really don't remember what I thought it would be like. I do remember knowing that Hufflepuffs were nice, and I have seen that I am not wrong there. I have been received into the Huff family warmly," answered Nerissa.

I smiled at both of them.

Q. "So what do you most look forward to this year?
A. "Um, making friends, getting points to help us win the House Cup--oh, yeah, that would be super," Kevin said.

Nerissa jumped up in a very proud manner. "When I graduate from first year!!," she said in a very proud voice.

Q. "Speaking of this first year, in which classes are you both enrolled?
A. Nerissa began pointing at each finger as she mentioned each class: "Wand-making (with Tarma while flicking her hair), Ancient Runes, Writing Workshop: Dialogue, and Writing Workshop: Poetry."

"Wow those are all great classes. And what about you Kevin?"

"Well I am taking Astronomy for Beginners--it is a cool class, and I love the planets and the stars so this class is great for me, and I am taking Lycanthropy Class, because I love learning about Werewolves. So there you go, I'm just taking two classes this term, I might take more next time."

Kevin turned to Nerissa, "How can you take so many classes, doesn't your brain hurt with all the homework?"

Nerissa had a very puzzled look, shrugging slightly. "There is such a thing called Time Management. If you plan carefully you can achieve almost anything. Like I plan to graduate this year, with as many points and quills as possible. Then go on to the next year and maybe even become a prefect. Eventually work myself up to Head Girl." She explained this to Kevin as if the answer was so obvious.

Q. "So what classes do you enjoy the most?"
A. "Mmm, a tough question; I guess I have to say Lycanthropy, the studies of Werewolves." Kevin said, howling like one, and then calmed down.

Nerissa and I both shook our heads, and then she responded: "It's probably a tie between Wand-making and Writing Workshop: Dialogue."

Q. "Seeing that you both are now in classes, which Professor is your favourite? Don't worry I wont tell," (much!) and I had my fingers and legs crossed.
A. Nerissa smiled. "I love Professor Anya, but I also like Professor Audiaa Martin (I think that's her name) who teaches my Writing Workshop classes."

"Oh that's easy! Lucy Berkeley of the Lycanthropy Class!" Kevin yells it out, then he realises he is in a broom closet, so he settles down.

Q. "Well back to being a Badger--did either of you participate in Orientation?"
A. "Yes, I love it, every bit of it. And I am glad I did; it was a good challenge for me to learn all I can about Hufflepuff, and I want to go and do it again next year," Kevin said.

"Yes, I did too. It was very informative and helpful. Emma's RPG lesson was so much fun! All the other lessons were, too," answered Nerissa.

Q. "So what would be your favourite part of the Sett?"
A. "The group discussions--and I LOVE the RPGs!" Nerissa touched her heart.

"There are so many: the Hufflepuff Kitchen, the Birthday Card, the Huffle games, The Fireplace, and the Orientation class," Kevin said.

Q. "So who, without being biased or anything, would be your favourite Badger that you know so far. You don't have to say me if you don't want to, but obviously you are more than welcome to tell everyone that I am your favourite. I know many of the Ickle Firsties look up to me.
A. Kevin shrugged and said, "OK, then, hmmm, Oh my, another tough question. Well I have to say Tarma Black; yeah, one day I hope to a Prefect just like her."

Nerissa smiled a little. "Now, did you really have to ask that? I haven't been here too terribly long, so I don't know everyone, but let's see... I like Emma, Tarma, Felicia, and Belle. I like Professor Anya. I like you! I don't like playing favourites."

Q. "Nerissa, I know you are fairly active in some of the groups and activities HOL has to offer. What groups are you a member of again?
A. "I am in the HOL Tolkien Society (Go LOTR!!), the Drama Club, the PPC, and the Book Club. I am also a fostered Badger in the Foster Badger program: Rilla White is my Fostering Badger. Very friendly girl."

"And, what about you Kevin? Are you a part of any groups?"

"Now, as you may or may not know, one of my favourite things to do here at the Sett, is to chase Parker around and throw things at him. Don't worry he can't feel a thing, and he is so cheeky sometimes: busting into our dorms, messing everything about and throwing dung bombs at all the newbies.

"So that's who messed up my bed last week, with a chair on my bed!" Kevin stands and yells, then sits back into his seat.

"Yes, more than likely. I normally sneak up on him when I smell his scent of dung bombs, and throw whatever is handy. Ten points if you get his head."

Q. "If you could do one thing to Parker, what would it be? How would you do it?"
A. "I try to keep away from him but if I could do something to him, I guess it would be throw stink dung bombs back at him."

He begins to imagine himself throwing bombs at Parker and all of a sudden jumps on the shelf, and does the motion of throwing bombs. "Take that Parker! And That! And That! And That!" Then, he realizes we are both looking at him and settles back down. "Oh yeah, that would do good!" Kevin said, smiling about it.

Nerissa had moved to the corner to avoid Kevin's swinging arms. "Well, hmm. Personally I haven't had any run-ins with Parker yet, although I'm sure it's impending. But if I could do anything to him... Hmmm... I'd probably give him a Ton-Tongue Taffy and enchant him to where he couldn't spit it out. Then I'd transfigure him into some Parker Repellent and put him in a cleaning closet--where everything is CLEAN and smells CLEAN!!"

"Wow! I'm sure Parker would love that." I began laughing at the thought of no more stinky Parker. Nerissa nods and again takes out her little aerosol can and sprays air freshener in the closet, forcing Kevin to block his nose and make grunting noises.

"It has been wonderful having you both to interview. It almost brings a tear to my eye knowing that the interview is over." As I wiped my eyes, I smiled and direct, "Now, then, before you go, tell me something about yourself."

Nerissa jumps up and gets into a Romeo and Juliet pose, "I am a drama queen! I adore acting and singing. Musicals and Shakespearean plays--ooohh, I love 'em!! Must have them to LIVE!! See? Drama. I Must Have Them!"

"Yes, I clearly I see that." Apparently, Kevin was too awed to also respond.

Q. "One last 'command.' Tell us what is the best thing about being an Ickle Firstie."
A. "Everything is new. It's seriously like you learn something new every day. And it's a fresh start. Also, you get to experience HOL longer than any of the older students," explained Nerissa--with joy that she was an Ickle Firstie.

Kevin nodded and added, "Oh--finding new friends, getting picked at, I don't care, I love it, I guess you can say I have a little Luna Lovegood in me." Kevin started doing a few 'loony' movements and I knew it was time to wrap up this interview as quickly as possible.

"Well, thank you both so much for your time and enjoy the rest of the year. And, don't forget to buy the next issue of the Wizarding Times to read your interview. Now, if you both just sit together for a moment... " FLASH! A camera flashed in front of their eyes then quickly disappeared before they even had a chance to pose. Perfect!

I unlocked the closet door and ran out as quick as I could, the closet was really starting to smell. I made a mental note that, from now on, I do my interviews elsewhere.

Well, tune in next time, when I tackle the question, "What do Prefects really think and do?" Are they mindless robots that enjoy preying on Ickle Firsties and correcting every wrong they do? Or, are they just wonderful Hufflepuff students with the privilege of helping others? My Galleons are on the mindless robots. Are there any willing prefects who would like to be interviewed?