The Wizarding Times

Jedi Journal

By Tarma Black
(Catch up with past entries! One, Two, Three.)

Dear Diary,

Please forgive the mess and wetness. Some poltergeist just came along and dumped some stuff on me and I was all green. There was a Professor though who saw what happened right when it did and turned me back to my own colour, but I'm still wet some. Everyone laughed at me and I just wanted to go home but now I don't want to go home, I want to get back at him! I'll be the best POTIONS student ever and learn how to turn HIM pink.

Anyway, enough of that. I was Sorted -- and I was all surprised because we all know how much I like to play and kind of put off doing things and I got Sorted into Hufflepuff of all places! Oh oh! I had to wait and wait and wait until my name was called. But what is really cool is Amy, the girl on the train? She was Sorted into Hufflepuff too.

When everyone was Sorted, then we had a feast and the food just suddenly appeared on the tables (we were all sitting at long tables, each House to their own) and I jumped a mile and squeaked! But so did other students, who were new, so I didn't care if others laughed because I bet they jumped too, when they were new. The food was GREAT, except that there was so much I wanted to eat and I got full a long time before I tried everything. I'm sure glad they have us wear these long robes things; if I'd had on jeans I'd have had to loosen them I ate so much. Anyway, we ate and everything and there were announcements welcoming us and then we were dismissed to go to our Common Rooms.

And Hufflepuff has the MOST COOL Commonroom you'd EVER see. When we all left the Great Hall, the Hufflepuffs followed their Prefects and there was a ROUND DOOR just like a door to a Hobbit House! I love it I love it!

When I got through the door, there was Scalawag to welcome me! She purred and purred; I think she likes it here too. It was such a long day, what with waking up early (but I didn't sleep much last night so it wasn't really waking up early so much as getting up early) and going to the train and then the train ride and it's all new and I'm just suddenly exhausted. And tomorrow I have classes! I'll find out what classes I have I guess in the morning, but right now I'm just so wound up even though I'm exhausted that I can't fall asleep so I thought I'd write about this, my first day here in Hogwarts, while I'm still remembering it. Except I think I'll never forget it.

I'm feeling sleepier now. Scalawag is purring and purring and it's like she is singing me a lullaby. Isn't that sweet of her?

Good night, Diary. And tomorrow I have my first classes. I don't know whether to be all excited or scared. Maybe I'll be both. But now, I'm going to sleep.