The Wizarding Times

Liv's Lists!

by Prof Olivia Rictusempra

Hello everyone and welcome to the first Wizarding Times publication of the year! We've got loads of good information inside for your reading pleasure.

It's another new year at Hufflepuff House and the Badgers are soooo busy! Talk about being unafraid of toil! They courageously laugh in its face everyday! So brave!

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce the staff at Hufflepuff House and thank them for their continued dedication, hard work and friendship.

Professor Anya Chutney - Deputy Head of House; HOL Deputy Headmistress; Popular Culture professor; Herbs & Spices professor; Muggle Studies professor. Anya keeps an eye on the Huffle Kitchen, just to make sure our cooks are doing their jobs.

Professor Opal Dragonfly has taught at HOL, and been a member of Hufflepuff House, since it opened. She teaches a variety of courses at HOL, including Potable Potions, Harry Potter Symbolism, and Magical Creatures Lore and has become the head of the recently reopened HOL Book Club. In 2005, she received an Excellence and Loyalty Award from the Head Office, and strives for both in her work at HOL. As a professor, she is sometimes patient and kind when, in spite of her old age, she remembers to be. She likes to travel to meet other HOLers at various get-togethers.

Professor Ceit Uiseag - Ceit (pronounced Kate) is a wonderfully talented head student turned professor. She is a member of the House Spirit Committee and teaches Principles of Magical Healing. Ceit is one of the sweetest badgers you'll ever meet and is an extremely talented witch.

Professor Dom Gaidin - Professor Gaidin became a Huffle professor after a transfiguration mishap during an OWL lesson a few years ago. In addition to teaching Draconology and Introduction to Poetry, he is part of the spirit committee, former quidditch seeker, and background member of the Department of Huffle Games and Sports.

Professor Esmerelda Knotwise - Professor Knotwise is yet another wonderful professor in the Huffle staff tree. She teaches Castles classes and is the Keeper of the Huff Wildflower garden. She also enjoyed giving students their fair share of toesocks, and now I'm sure she is having as much fun passing out the new shiny Citrines.

Professor Wastl Hafstaengl - First of all, for all you non-Bavarians, the name is pronounced VOSStel HONFstengel. He is very pleased again to be a Badger Professor, with a repeat of 'Latin for Beginners', a one-year class (2007-2008). Much of the past eighty or so years has been a delightful romp with his favorite things: travel, new (and old) languages, sailing, cooking, Reiki, and -- of course -- all the wonderful people he's met! Now he's looking forward to getting to know many of you, via his second "foreign" language - Latin. Namaste.

Professor Angelus Darklost - Professor Darklost, a former Ravenclaw, is one of three new Professors to Hufflepuff, though he is not a stranger to Hufflepuff. He had made himself quite comfortable at the Sett even before he was an "Official" Huffie Professor. He teaches Advanced Herbology for Potions. He is very interested in Medieval ways and llamas, though how the two are connected we don't know.

Professor Valdera Swede - Other then the fact that Professor Swede teaches Managing Your Mana, there really isn't a lot of information on her. Where she came from I'm not sure so we'll have to keep our eyes on this one.

Professor Danya Amaritu - Now she was once a student in Hufflepuff. As a matter of fact, she was a student last year. But there must have been another aging mishap causing her to jump from student to professor in one leap. Professor Amaritu teaches Traditional Home and Folk Remedies, and we've heard rumors that she hated detention.

Lady Cosmo Brown - Cosmo is one of Hufflepuff's Co-Head Prefects and our own HOL Headgirl and is super hardworking and creative. Cosmo is a member of the spiffy badgers Quidditch team and teacher of Photoshop Wizardry. You can usually find her speeding around the pitch on her broom or trying to avoid her schoolwork... which amounts to almost the same thing.

Lady Felicia Hartwick - Felicia has many titles within Hufflepuff, but being a head Prefect is her first one with actual work. Felicia has been around this house since the beginning, making her a Seventh Year this year. In Hufflepuff she is a co-leader of the spirit committee, the Quidditch Robe and Uniform Mistress, Huffie's Angel, the official Huffleflirt, Fashion Expert, Apparition Expert Extraordinaire, and a member of the Mod Squad. Yes, she loves the job, but I've heard she's really in it for the cool love beads. Felicia adds a little excitement to whatever she does, there is never a dull moment when she's around and I heard she has a thing for Godiva chocolates.

Lady Anne Damhsoir is a 7th year Prefect whose list of travels and adventures are as long as Parker's toenails. Anne is teamed up with Felicia in looking after the Cheerleaders or Cheerie-Os. She is also the co-captain of the Cheerie-Os. It's also Anne's responsibility to watch after "The Precious", the House's credit card. Anne is second only to Felicia in her knowledge of all things fashion; she also is part owner of the wardrobe in the girls' dorm. You wouldn't want to be her at the end of the year, trying to clean out seven years worth of robes and shoes!

Lady Askeron Kyle - Askeron (or Asky) is a Fifth Year Student and is one of our newer Prefects. Asky is a Spiffy Member of the HQT, a member of the HOL PPC, a Junior Auror, and Co-Head of the MOD Squad. Asky is one of the nicest badgers around!

Lady Elyranna Reginhart - Ely can always be found wandering the halls of Hufflepuff looking for lost newbies. She is Co-Leader of the MOD Squad, who help keep the Sett uncluttered... not always easy with the Badger Cubs around! She is always there to help answer questions, point newbies in the right direction to classes, or just to help everyone have a wonderful time in Huff. She is a wonderful Foster Leader to her lucky Badger Cubs. Anyone who can call Ely their friend is truly lucky.

Lady Emma Pacifica - Emma can usually be found wielding a magnifying glass and large notebook. What is she looking for? Why... newbie badgers, of course! Emma is one of the founders of the Hufflepuff Adopt-a-Newbie headquarters, co-head cheerleader for the Hufflepuff cheerleading squad, and a member of the Huffle Kitchen Staff.

Sir Jake Patil - Jake is a Prefect who is in his Third Year, a member of the Hufflepuff Quidditch Team, and is also a member of the Cheerie-Os Squad! When he's not leading discussions in The Badger Bookshelf, Jake is often seen leading new Badger Cubs to the Common Room.

Lady Mopsy Prewett is one of our quietest hardworking Prefects. She is part of the Hufflepuff cheer squad, a foster badger for the Adopt-a-Newbie program, and manager of the Wizarding Times and the Huff Library. Mopsy is also one of Hufflepuff's infamous citrine monsters and can spot a citrine more than 100 miles away. She can typically be found in a corner of the common room, surrounded by books or parchments of homework and sketches. But don't let her focus fool you - she's eager to answer any question, lend a helping hand, or just chat.

Lady Narcissa Heart - Third year Prefect. She is a seeker for the Hufflepuff Quidditch Team and can be found on the quidditch pitch and on IRC most of the time. She is also a member of the Hufflepuff Kitchen staff and manages the kitchen along with the biting fairies. She is also a Junior Auror. On the Sett she can be found a lot of the time in the Huffle Kitchen, the Frog Chocoholics room, and in the dorms.

Lady Rorey Padfoot - Shiny new Prefect for Hufflepuff House. If you see Rorey around, you're lucky! She's so busy, I usually just see a streak of Yellow and Black! Rorey is a member of the Cheerie-Os Cheer Squad, she's a Foster Badger, she's part of the MOD Squad, she's a Student Teacher of Muggle Puzzles AND Astronomy and also assists in several classes! Now there's a Badger who is Unafraid of toil!

Lady Tarma Black might be found in the patch of magical blueberry bushes behind the greenhouses, eating blueberries (and staining her fingers and mouth all blue) if she isn't in the library studying or out on the Quidditch field. She is Captain of the Hufflepuff Quidditch Team, an adoption leader for the Adopt-a-Newbie program, and helps to lead keep Badgers into out of mischief by providing challenges in the DoHGaS (Department of Huffle Games and Sports) every month. She teaches a class at HOL, Wand-Making, and is a student assistant for The Quibbler and Advanced Transfiguration. Her heroes are Fred and George Weasley and she frequents Weasley's Wizard Wheezes as often as possible.

Whew! Loads of spectacular people roaming the corridors of the Sett, and I encourage everyone to get to know them and get involved! All HOL members are welcome to join in the fun at the Fireside games. :)

Thank you to everyone who helped to make this publication possible. :)

Webmistress: Mopsy Prewett
Editor: Prof. Anya Chutney

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