The Wizarding Times

Citrine Cove

by Rorey Padfoot

When I first moved into the Sett, the badgers counted their points with Socks. We had striped socks, poke-a-dot socks, silk socks, yellow socks, and the coveted cotton socks. We had socks upon socks upon socks.

But, this all changed last year when one morning we all noticed that someone in the Sett had done some cleaning and all our socks had disappeared. We first suspected Parker, as we all knew how much he loved socks, but when even he couldn't find his socks we knew something was up.

So the wonderful Head of House of Hufflepuff talked things over with her co-mischief makers and one very Cheeky Head Prefect (hmm wonder who that is?) came up with an idea. Why not use Citrines to count Hufflepuff points? They were already Badger colors, they were gorgeous, and make fine jewelry and they looked beautiful in great big mounds of glistening rocks.

So, this begins our second year for Citrines and the Citrine Cove. Last year the Badgers and Badger friends earned a grand total of 25,821 Citrines. Wow, I know, where did we put them all?

The top 3 Citrines gathers for the school year of 2006-2007 were; Kath Snape with a total of 1,742 Citrines received the Citrine Hoarder Extraordinaire award. Mopsy Prewett earned a total of 1,526 Citrines and she received the Citrine Hoarder Specialist award. And last but certainly not the least the Citrine Hoarder award went to Felicia Hartwick who gathered 1,378 Citrines.

So far for this school year, we have had three months worth of games, challenges, and puzzles where folk could earn lovely Citrines. We have earned a whopping 5,773 Citrines and have a the top three hoarders so far. With 390 we have last years champ Kath Snape, followed closely by Rorey Padfoot (hey that's me) with 367, and on both of their tails is Lilly Stargazer with 276 Citrines.

So, how do you earn Citrines you ask? There are many ways to gather Citrines. Though it is completed for the term, there were many opportunities with earning Citrines with the Badger Orientation classes, you could also play the games in the DoHGaS (or better know as the Department of Huffle Games and Sports), you may participate in the Kitchen or Bookshelf areas, you could bot 600 or more points a week in the team room, earn 100 points or more (as out in your student folder in a calendar month), have a really hard "thing" to guess for the 21 questions game, or participate in some of the other activities that are Citrines opportunities.

Why does it seem that even more folks are playing the games and participating in the challenges that could earn Citrines? Well, one reason could be that Head Girl, Cosmo Brown, has stocked the Sett Shop with lots of goodies to buy with the earned Citrines.