The Wizarding Times

Trick or Treat

by Felicia Hartwick

It's that time of year again.

The air turns cooler. Shadows seem to move quietly against the walls. We notice the strange noises in the attic. The tapping on the windows late at night wakes us up from a sound sleep. At times we even feel like someone or something is watching us.

Oh wait, those things happen here all the time, don't they? Those are just everyday happenings at Hogwarts aren't they?

What I meant to say is that it's the time of year to start thinking about what or who you want to dress up as on our favorite night of the year, HALLOWEEN!

Sure, Halloween just passed, but looking for the perfect Halloween costume is quite time consuming, which means it's never too soon to start planning for next year. There are so many wonderful choices. Do you want to be a creature? Just think of the reactions of your friends will have if you show up as a Hairy MacBoon. What about being a frightening Dementor? That would be easy enough to do. So would being one of our favorite wizards or witches, Harry, Ron and Hermione. But really, these have bee done already, at least the Harry, Ron and Hermione costumes.

So why not be a little different next year.

Why not go as your favorite Hufflepuffian? It's easy to do. We have so many interesting characters to choose from. Here are just a few suggestions.

Head of House Professor Olivia Rictusempra - First you would need to get a Staff Robe and shiny pin with the Head of House emblem on both. Next you need to search for the prettiest hat you can find. Professor Olivia is one of the sharpest dressers on the Staff here at HOL. But to really pull off this costume, you MUST, and I mean MUST wield the Rake of Pain. Now the real Rake of Pain is always under lock and spell so I wouldn't even think about trying to get it. Believe me, it's more difficult then you think. So run on down to the groundkeepers' shed and see if you can borrow a rake from him. Or if you are any good at Transfiguration, perhaps you can turn a yard stick into a rake.

Professor Angelus Darklost - A new comer to the ranks of Hufflepuff, but he's already made his mark in the Sett. To achieve his look, you need to be decked out in the latest, or rather oldest medieval Persian attire you can get your hands on. Make sure they are of the most vibrant gold, orange, green, red and blue colors you can find... Also you will need to have a parchment with a picture of a llama draw on it. It seems our Professor is always on the look out from Bob.

Professor Anya Chutney - For this lovely lady, you should get a robe along the lines of Professor Olivia's, but make sure her badge reads Deputy Head of House. Though for Professor Anya, you do have to get a bit messy. After all she is the professor that teaches Herbology. So your hands will have to look like you have been working in soil. Your hat should be a little lopsided from looking down at the plants you would have been working on. In the pockets of the robe have some gardening tools sticking out; some packages of seeds jiggling would be a nice touch. Smudge a bit of dirt on your cheek or forehead.

Cosmo Brown - Head Girl - Co-Head Hufflepuff Prefect - In which ever line of duty you choose to dress as our busy Huffie, you must make sure she is in the classic attire from the 1930's. Tight knee length skirts with short buttoned down jackets are a must for this look, along with a white blouse, buttoned right to the top. A small hat with a small veil or perhaps a feather on the side finishes off the outfit. But you must carry a set of signatures and avatars that she has made for herself and many of her other friends.

Felicia Hartwick - Co - Prefect - To impersonate this Co-Head Prefect, you must be wearing the latest designs from one of her favorite designers, Kenneth Troll or Calvin Kappa. You can try looking in the GoodSpell stores where you can probably find last years designs since you would only need the outfit for one night. Or if you have the galleons for it, go on down to his shop in Hogsmeade and tell him Felicia sent you. He'll set you right up with a wonderful outfit. And of course, to finish the attire, a pair of high heels, no lower then 3 inches would be allowable. To totally finish off the costume, you must have a box of her most favorite chocolates, Godivas, and First Year walking behind you carrying no less than 6 shopping bags filled to the brim from her favorite shops. (Glad Rags, Madam Malkins II, Kenneth Troll, Calvin Kappa, Abercrombe and Snitch, and Wizzany)

Belle Black - Another familiar Huffie to dress up as is our own secret nerd. Hey I can call her that, she's admitted that in public a number of times. For this charming Hufflie, casual dress is required, a pair of jeans, a blouse or sweater, and a pair of flats. But in your hands you must have books, many of them. And parchment and quill too because we know she is always trying to find someone to take her notes. But most importantly, you must have some kind of travel brochure with you. We all know the girl goes on the most fabulous vacations.

Anne Damshoir - Prefect - Anne's costume would be right up there with Professor Darklost as far as being colorful. You see for Anne you need to find an Irish dance costume, and from the ones she has shown me, they are quite colorful and short. So make sure you have the legs for this one. Or another way to go with this costume, is also to dress casual, similar to belle but make sure you have a copy of the "Precious" in your hand.

So here is a sampling of ideas for you to get a start on your costume. Remember, when you finally decide whom you would like to dress up as, find out all you can about that person. The more details you have added to your costume the more realistic you shall be.