The Wizarding Times

House Committee

by Felicia Hartwick

Their identities are unknown, except for Felicia Hartwick and Tarma Black, but they are always around watching.

Who are they?

They are the members of the Hufflepuff House Spirit Committee. The ever present Badgers who patrol the tunnels watching to see which Badger is showing his or her Badger Pride.

Are you joining in the games at the Department of Huffie Games and Sports?

They will know.

Are you working hard in your HOL classes and earning points for Our House?

They will know.

Are you wandering the Tunnels telling us about your day in the Hello Topic, or welcoming our visitors to the Sett in the Fireside? Are you starting pillow fights in the Dorms. Have you discovered the Purple Pavilion and joined in the dancing with our newest Professor?

They will know.

Are you chatting it up on mIRC, enjoying the company of everyone on #hpgalleries or the solitude of #hufflepuff? Are you polite and friendly to all you meet?

They will know.

And in knowing, they just might just nominate you for our prestigious Hufflepuff Spirit Award. Or perhaps the Badger Cub award for Firsties. So wander around, have fun, be active, be friendly and you just never know if you will hear your name announced when I step up on my soapbox.