The Wizarding Times

Meet the Cheerie-Os!

by Anne Damhsoir

Hello Badgers from your friendly Hufflepuff Cheerie-Os. Who are the Cheerie-Os you might ask? Well, they are the Hufflepuff quidditch team cheerleaders. During quidditch matches, we are in #grandstand cheering on our spiffy team to victory! We also have our own shiny cheerleading bucket on the Sett where we can plot and plan our spirit activities and just have fun! Each Cheerie-O gets three things, a new Cheerbroom, a custom made Kappas and Troll uniform and a snazzy cheer name! (I'm PreciousBadger.) We also host Spirit Week/Month during the year which includes lots of games and contests that will earn you LOTS of sparkly citrines that you can use at the SettShop. Last year we held the Hufflepuff Oscars, a cheer contest, spotlights of all of the Spiffies (Hufflepuff Quidditch players) and lots of other exciting events. Keep an eye on the Sett for announcements about Huffle Cheerie-O Spirit week! This year we're hoping to run spirit month in early November to mid November and again in the spring time. It's going to be double the fun!

So I'd like you to meet the Cheerie-Os for 2007-2008

Emma Pacifica, Head Cheerie-O
Year: 5th year, prefect
How long have you been a Cheerie-O: Oh gosh...*has to think on this one* I joined in November of 2003 so that's almost 4 whole years!
Favorite Cheer: (I actually have two favorite cheers)
1) "Our Badger Pride can't be beat,
We shake our tails and stomp our feet.
Our quidditch team is number one,
We'll get on the pitch and get it done!"

2) "So beat back those Bludgers boys
And get the Quaffle in
Lets get those goals and make some noise
The Badgers are going to win!!"

How can badgers show more spirit: (Remember that showing spirit happens in places other than the quidditch field... it happens everywhere you go in HOL)
- come support the spiffies (aka the hufflepuff quidditch team ) in the grandstand and wave the beautiful huffie banners
- sport some of the lovely hufflepuff quidditch team support banners while wondering about the forums during the quidditch season (these will be coming soon to the sett)
- participate in hufflepuff spirit week activities
- participate in your lessons to earn points for your house
- participate in HOL contests and games to earn points for your house and demonstrate the wonderfully generous and kind huffle spirit to members of other houses
- greet our guests in the fireside and bring treats to other houses when you have breaks between your classes
- get involved in clubs and groups that Hufflepuff house offers
- have fun in the sett with your fellow badgers
How could Parker show more spirit: Hmmmm.... he could:
- not throw tarantulas, water balloons, and jelly filled balloons at badgers and our guests (maybe throwing Hufflepuff themed spirit objects would be better?)
- not stealing clothes from Felicia's closet
- not emptying all the first years trunks to "unpack" for them
- give out bottles of parker repellent on every first year's bed when they arrive with a nice little note warning them of the surprises that await them.

Okay, so even though Parker seems to take every opportunity to prank all of the badgers, I think that deep down he really has Hufflepuff spirit. After all, would he have stayed for centuries if he didn't really love this house and the badgers (in his strange sort of way). *looks around to make sure that a large vat of jelly is not preparing to fly at her head for having said that*

Fond Cheerie-O moments: (oh there are so many...)
- trying out for the team with my best friend Julia while Ceit and Allegra judged...and then being totally ecstatic when I found out that we both made the team!
- getting my very first cheerbroom and cheer name (Pea-NuttyBadger)
- being promoted to co-captain and then captain of the squad
- When Kenneth Troll and Calvin Kappa agreed to start making our uniforms!
- Professor Fumbly and Professor Olivia flashing their frilly Huffle Panties to the grandstand crowd during games
- learning how to actually create the files for cheers
- the banner painting pep rally we had during my first year here at HOL (and first year on the squad): Fumbly taught us some wonderful paint charms to make our banners glitter and flash colors, and I ended up causing another badger's hair to flash different colors instead of my banner. *g* That was a fun first quidditch game of the season to attend.

Anne Damhsoir, Co-Head Cheerie-O
Year: 7th
How long have you been a Cheerie-O: I've been a cheerie-o for the last 3 or 4 years.
Favorite Cheer: "Listen to us people! And listen to us good!
'Cause we want to make sure, that you have understood!
That we're the mighty Badgers! And we want you to know!
That we rock this pitch and HERE WE GO!"

How can badgers show more spirit: Be more active!! Find ways to help out around our house, and they could always join the Cheerie-Os in a cheer or two!
How could Parker show more spirit: Tie yellow and black bells to his toes, so when he dances he'll make a lovely badger-y sound!
Fond Cheerie-O moments: I think when I found out I'd made the squad, it was very exciting for me!

Jake Patil (Jake has been hard at work on both the Spiffy quiddy team and the cheerie-os, so I helped him with his answers!) ;)
Year: 3rd
How long have you been a Cheerie-O: For a couple of years now
Favorite Cheer: Anything that starts and ends with GO BADGERS!!
How can badgers show more spirit: By wearing black and yellow all the time!
How could Parker show more spirit: By painting his toenails in sparkly black and yellow polish.
Fond Cheerie-O moments: Not sure, but I know he's got plenty of fond memories!

Mopsy Prewett
Year: Fourth Year - Woah! It doesn't seem like it! I still feel like an ickle firstie, sometimes.
How long have you been a Cheerie-O: I think about two, maybe two and a half years now?
Favorite Cheer: I love this cheer, simply for silliness. It makes me giggle!
"When you're up you're up!
When you're down you're down!
But when you're up against the badgers you're...

How can badgers show more spirit: By dancing and shaking those badger tails and showing the other houses that you don't wanna Ruffle with the Huffle!! Er... we'll ignore that last bit. *blushes* See, this is why I don't come up with the cheers. heheh
How could Parker show more spirit: Hmm, maybe by letting up on the dungbombs in the Sett? OH! Maybe by painting the other common rooms Yellow and Black! Yeah! I think someone should put that idea into his head.
Fond Cheerie-O moments: There was this one day in particular, I believe after some try-outs, where everyone in the Bucket was being especially silly and it was just a great laugh fest. I don't remember the specifics but I remember the good feeling that left, and I think that's more important anyhow.

Rorey Padfoot
Year: Third Year
How long have you been a Cheerie-O: This is my second year being on the squad *shakes pom poms*
Favorite Cheer: I personally like the individuals cheers, for each player. Those are fun.
How can badgers show more spirit: Come out to the games and support Hufflepuff in the grandstands. Nicely of course.
How could Parker show more spirit: Let us spray paint him Hufflepuff colors. hehe
Fond Cheerie-O moments: I love the feeling right before a game starts and we're all gathered together just excited that we get to cheer for our Hufflepuffs!

The Cheerie-Os would like to welcome our newest Spiriteer, Suzie Miran! Suzie is super excited to join the Cheerie-Os and ready to spread cheer and spirit all the way to Parker's Toenails, which we're trying to paint yellow and black! Welcome Suzie!

"My full name is Suzie Miran, I have no middle name. I'm a first-year and love mischief trouble fun! (An ickle firstie as Parker calls me.) I've only been a Cheerie-O for a few days but I'm already lined up for my spirit activity! My favourite cheer is one I made up a while ago:
"We are Huffelpuff,
we won't lose,
we make the other team
so confused! >~<"

Some ways that badgers could get more spirit is to stay involved, keep up with everything that goes on around the Sett and get involved with the games! Parker, on the other hand, could use some more spirit! Sometimes, I really don't think that it's possible for Parker to show more spirit. I know he's gonna kill me for this but we could... Make him a cheerleader! (Oh, that would be funny!)

My best Cheerie-O moment is when they first accepted me! It was awesome! I coud only dream of all the fun I was going to have!"

Would you like to see your name on that list? Cheerie-Os do have some responsibilities around the Cheerie-O bucket and it does take a little time, but if you think that's the job for you, send a PM to either Emma Pacifica or Anne Damhsoir.