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The Mystery Machine Discussion 4: Scary Ghost Stories

Prof. Sirius Fudge

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We are now around the halfway point of our journey. Fourth city, here we come. I wonder what we will find in there. But so far, the three cities provided spooky places, makes up for great scary ghost stories. In this discussion thread, how do you fare in scary story sessions. Are you the one telling the story? Or the one listening to it? Do you tell or listen with large actions, or you are one with minimal actions? Do you have a scary story to tell? You can tell them in here as well. After all, scary stories are part of every ghost hunting trips. You can also relive your scary experiences in the first three cities, if you had one. 


Write in here anything related to scary ghost stories before end of day November 2 HOL time and you will earn 5 diamonds. Fire away! :ph34r:


I will start. I am the listener, and with an imaginative mind, I can picture the stories in my mind clearly. To lessen the scary effect of some stories, I would be the one making surprising sound of BOO! Some stories I grew up with are floating coffins standing on your way home, white ladies staring at people from the house, a ghost ship, a huge fire chasing people, among others. Though one experience I had when I was a child that my family told me was the time, I slept relatively longer than the normal sleeping time, maybe nearly one day..? They say I may have gone to a place guarded with spirits and they may have taken me to their world. Good thing they brought me back. That's just some story now but I thought of it today while writing this post. I think this is enough. :coffee: How about you? :poke:

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I don't particularly like listening to ghost stories. My own, real life, experiences are enough for me!


My dog, Taya, sees 'things' (is aware of seeing things visually) and tracks them with her eyes, to the point of moving her head to watch them. I know she is not making it up, but is watching something which she senses is actually present.  Sometimes she will growl .... I've gotten to where I can sense the presence, like knowing when someone is watching you?, and feel it/them moving around, and that feel of where they are matches completely with where she is watching, and tracking their movement. When she growls, though, and lets it be known she CAN see them, and will go after them ... poof! and they are gone.


That's just one example of real life experiences -- so no, I don't need to be listening to ghost stories.  There's enough going on without hearing of more!  :lol:   (I will, however, 'listen' to be polite, but will attempt to not be drawn into them, because, along with Sirius, I have an imaginative mind.)


Do I watch scary movies?  hahahhaa  hahahahaaa ha  no.  

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It's difficult for me to follow a conversation, especially in dark or dim places, so if I must, I prefer to take the reins of the conversation and tell a scary story. I tend to emote and gesticulate a lot to compensate for my (probably) off-tone voice. I like scary, spooky and horror stories, they're one of my favorite types of films. I don't tend to get scared much during them, probably because a large number of jumpscares and scary things are conditioned by noise. So, I've got that going for me. :P

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As a kid, I had a TON of scary stories to tell to my friends, so I am usually the one telling the ghost stories. I was always the one initiating the scary stories around the bonfire while we were camping! It was some of the fondest memories I have.


Here's a true story my mom actually experienced when she was a young girl:


She was sleeping in her bed, sound asleep when someone wakes her. She sits up in bed, and all of a sudden, a woman, enters her bedroom! The woman sat gently on the foot of the bed, and asked my mom "Have you seen Sharon?" my mom shook her head "no" and the woman left her bedroom.


This story scared me SO much as a kid, because not only was it TRUE, it happened to a family member. It still gives me the creeps to this day!







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I don't think I've ever had a scary stories session really, because I mostly leave if people start watching horror movies or going in that direction haha! However this did remind me of a few of my favorite TV shows as a kid that had episodes where people told scary stories. There was one very elaborate episode in one show about a ghost that lived in the attic and a babysitter that was there to steal a painting... or something along those lines I think.

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Things like this happens from time  to time with me in real life. I was once sitting and reading on the couch and the whole couch started to shake all of a sudden. I looked around and got up thinking it was an earthquake. Nope nothing else was shaking. I stood looking at the couch for a few more seconds until it stopped. Checked under and around it. Nope still nothing and I was home alone. I know this as The couch was facing the door. Similar something happened when I was reading once and someone just placed their hand gently over my foot... I looked at my foot. No one there but can feel the hand. Moved my foot and it went away.


Again one time I was talking to two other people in the same living room. As we talked one of the cups just flew off the table. Luckily it landed on one of the pillows from the couch. The three of us just looked over. I asked if anyone else saw that. Yes they did. I flew my mouth off that whoever it is better say what they want cause all hell would have broken loose if that cup broke as it was one of my favorite ones. Nothing happened after that. Later found out a few people died at the place over the years. One being a grumpy old man that people see hanging around from time to time. They called him 'the man with the fisher hat". I myself never saw him but he did get my attention, and almost broke my cup...

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When listening to scary ghost stories, too often the story goes in one ear and out the other and I'm not so much scared as much as taking it in.  But I will say that I remember hearing a scary story on the radio when I was trying to sleep (I wasn't alone in the room at the time) and one specific exclamation kept on randomly being yelled in the story, which kind of made it really hard for me to try and fall asleep!

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I kinda of like ghost stories, I guess that's why I like to go on ghost tours anywhere I go. They do go into the ghost stories during the tours but it's also a bit of history about the city we're in... and that's just as interesting.  So I guess you can say, I'm a listener. Do I get scared, no.


Now, have I even seen anything? Yes and no.  On one ghost tour we went through Albany's oldest cemetery and as the guide told us stories of who was buried there, I snapped some pictures on my digital camera. As we were walking back to our car I was looking through the pictures and one shocked me. That night, even if it was in the middle of October, it was a cooler night, no rain, no snow, no drizzle... a beautiful night, but in my picture, there were what looked like hundred of orbs.  I showed it to the tour guide and he was just as excited as I was, he even asked for a copy of the picture.


I still get chills when I look at that photo!

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Hmmm, I am not one to shy away from an opportunity to share some scary stories given the right circumstances. Now, this story that I am about to share is supposedly true, but believing it or not is up to you. So back in 1998, when I was not born yet, my parents were vacationing in Rajasthan, the land of the Rajput kings with a very, very rich history full of art and culture, wars, delicious food and a ton of tales about ghosts and spirits.


The hotel my parents were staying at was considered one of the best hotels in the state, so what happened next is even scarier because of that. Being one of the best hotels, its staff were also very well-trained and wouldn't pay heed to superstitious tales. My parents had initially planned to check out in the morning after breakfast, but my dad decided that if they would check out at night, they could cover one more destination by the next morning before it was time for them to board the flight back to our hometown.


However, upon talking to the manager, he advised them against it, now mind you, he had no reason to do so because no matter when my parents checked out, they would have to pay the same amount of money, and if they would check out at night, they would be saving the hotel the costs of their complementary breakfast, so advising them against leaving at night could only be due to genuine concern.


He further elaborated that the highway they would have to take to go where they wanted to go, was haunted and previously four cars that drove on that highway at night met with similar accidents. The story went that a woman's spirit, who had met an untimely demise on that highway due to an accident, would ask for a lift from cars driving on that road at night. She would be very beautiful in appearance and would look very helpless, but if someone decided to stop to give her the lift, then they would most definitely meet with a fatal accident on that highway.


The manager asked them to either check out in the morning or not give a lift to the beautiful woman on that highway, even if she looked very helpless and scared, because it would most definitely be the spirit of that woman. My parents of course decided to be safer than sorry and stayed the night and checked out in the morning. 


Oooooo, spooookyyyyy....

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