Wizarding Times

Hufflepuff Current Events
by Pezzie Granger

Welcome back to HOL and big welcomes to our new students and professors settling in!

Summer is over and a new term is starting. The last month we've been seeing new students and new professors coming in. Staff, prefects and older students have been helping the lost people around the halls, showing them where their house is or where to sign up for classes. Sign up for classes is open until september 15th, and there are plenty of classes to pick from. Some were so popular for instant sign up that the class is full! Like Draconology 101 for example, it should be an interesting year for those lucky enough to learn about dragons. Guess we'll be seeing some baby dragons around here? Also many classes have started up lessons as well. Eager students are already doing their monthly assignments for September. *better get started on mine*

It's that time of year again around HOL. Time for new students to come in and find their houses, new professors coming in wanting to fill our empty heads with new knowledge. Which means new classes as well. There's many new Badgers coming into Hufflepuff and professors and prefects alike are helping out as much as they can to guide them into the right places. Can't forget that Parker is roaming around somewhere. *ducks*

With all the chaos of new students, professors and class sign ups we need to take a moment and see that Hufflepuff has a new HoH. Professor Olivia of Flick and Swish and Assembly of Charms, has accepted the position of HoH for Hufflepuff. Fumbly has stepped down, as she will be a mom soon. We'll see her around from time to time that's for sure. We'll miss Fumbly but we open our arms and hearts to welcome Olivia!

So find your houses, claim a bed. Be kind to professors - I hear they like treats! Make sure to sign up for a class...or two...or three. Do your homework for classes! Give Olivia big hugs if you see her around. Oh and how can I forget...don't Spam ;) I think Parker is coming! *hides the newbies*