Wizarding Times

The Dos and Don'ts
by Dolly Bulge

It's seemed that the summer break has flown by so quickly, because yes - HOL is starting the school year back up!!

Now I will say strongly, that homework is very important - I mean you want your team to win the cup, right?? Well, other than that you also should mingle with your other classmates and get to know each other - better than homework!!

So, now on to the dos and don'ts of getting to know your classmates:


1. Always follow forum rules - very important.
2. Join in on games and RPGs when they've been started already - don't be shy! And be imaginative!
3. Be patient - sometimes people always don't reply to your posts right away!
4. Give food as little gifts!! Everyone enjoys a few muffins and butterbeer!!
5. And most importantly - enjoy yourself!!

and in reply...

1. While you should follow the rules, unless you are a prefect, don't be reporting people, and asking prefects to close many topics for spam. The prefects can do their jobs, and while tips here or there can help, don't bug them.
2. When you do join an RPG make sure you read everything that has gone on before you came - you don't want to be repeating another post, do you?
3. Don't post multiple times in a row in topics. You can reply to other people, but don't spam trying to get other people to post.
4. While you give friends and people food, don't overfeed them. It's not polite. :)
5. Don't have a bad time, or make other people feel bad when you're not happy!

Just follow the dos and you'll be having a blast in no time!!