Wizarding Times

Parker: *Flies over a crowd of first years and decides to welcome them with a coating of treacle, followed by a bucket of chicken feathers*

Olivia: "Parker Poltergeist! Get down here this instant!"

P: Ut-oh, that's Professor Olivia, I wonder what she could want...
"You're looking very...sparkly, professor, I like the new look."
Best to compliment women on their new hairdos, they like that.

O: "You are in so much trouble young ma...er ghost!"

P: Hmm, that bottle of shampoo she's holding looks familiar, is that where I was storing that industrial strength superglue?

O:"You know how I pride myself on my hair, and now it's all stuck out at odd angles. And as if that wasn't bad enough, I know it was you who set up that bucket of glitter to fall on me after I dried off. It took me a full half hour just to pull the towel out of my hair."

P: Ah, I had thought that screaming was Felicia finding out I'd written my name all over her favourite red shoes in blue nail polish, best make my escape....oh wait, she's not finished yet.

O: "Felicia has been sobbing into the arm of the sofa all morning, although before that she was running around shouting all manner of threats at the ceiling for some reason - I presume you know what that is all about as well?"

P: "Um, well-"

O: "And poor Elyranna? She's been walking around in fits of giggles, and making odd squelching noises...?"

P: *giggles* "That's probably the custard I put...I saw Julia put in her slippers."

O: "I don't think Julia has been up to any mischief - she's been walking around in a dizzy state and crashing into things ever since you rolled her down the stairs wrapped up in a carpet!"

P: Is there nothing I do that this Professor doesn't know about??

O: "And to top it off, you've stolen all the Socks that the Badgers earnt last year."

P: "Well, yes, but I did offer to give them back."

O: "In exchange for some icons for your new LiveJournal, yes. It's hardly an offer of goodwill, it's more like a ransom."

P: Hmm, that's a good idea, I wonder if I could get away with kidnapping someone.... that Ravenclaw HeadGirl would probably be a good one, what's her name... Leia? Princess Leia Samson I think it was, I've heard she wears Danish pastries as ear muffs, or is that someone else...?

O: "And you've been tormenting poor Belle again, haven't you?"

P: "Well, actually, she said I wasn't important, so I just made a poll where people could vote to say how important I was."

O: "And it wasn't exactly a fair poll though was it?"

P: "Well, it's not my fault that no one is voting for her. Look:"
*points the Professor to the poll*

O: "Grrrr, you're still up to something Parker - and when I find out, there will be trouble. You'd best stay away from Felicia for a while, and while you're at it, you'd best stay away from me as well. At least until I've found someone who can perform a good hair-care charm....wait, I teach Charms, don't I..."

P: *watches as Professor Olivia walks off muttering to herself and pointing her wand to her hair before tripping over the string tied at ankle level across the hallway*