Magical Creatures: The Hippogriff
by Peter Shechem
The hippogriff is a medieval creature which symbolizes that love is possible in all conditions or circumstances. Once believed to be the steed of great heroes, it was said to bring hope to those in hopeless situations. Tales of the hippogriff were made to help people battle their fears, and told around the fires of the battlefield to strengthen men’s hearts for the next day of war. They were an aid to all those who thought the battle lost, and were about to give in – and they also made some of the most fantastic stories and poems of the time.
Many of the things this creature symbolizes are because of its strange existence. A hippogriff is a hybrid of two creatures, a horse and a griffin. Hence it’s name, hippo (meaning horse in Greek) and griff, a shortened version of griffin. In legend, the griffin and horse are enemies, the griffin being the predator and horse the prey. Since those two opposing forces could not be enemies and still function as one beast, it shows that it is possible for two living creatures that are supposed to despise each other to overcome this natural enmity.
The other symbols came from the fact the hippogriff could be tamed and yet are still somewhat mythical creatures. Only those that cannot die or are meant for something better were sent a hippogriff, a gift usually associated with the receiver’s gods or goddesses. It is the identity of a hippogriff that makes it special, as all mythical creatures only come to those who have a great destiny (Merlin, King Arthur, Harry, etc.). One example of this is Ariosto’s famous saga, Orlando Furioso. It is a tale of love and hate, peace and war, and it is here that a hippogriff first appears in detail. Before that there were instances of it, but Orlando Furioso poem really cemented the existence of the hippogriff. From then on, it was a popular figure in all manner of tales.
The Harry Potter hippogriff, on the other hand, is mostly just a symbol of hope. It is one of the most famous non-talking creatures in the series. It is a great means of transportation, and if treated right, can be a great pet and friend. The hippogriff in the HP series is half eagle, half horse, and so with this likeness to the griffin/horse mix of mythology, it is very much like the medieval symbol, as well as playing an important role in the series.