Witching Hour
As the sun was setting, the sky was blood red. I could tell something was going to happen that night, just didn't know what it would be. The wind was howling, blowing up all the leaves on the ground. It was a night that most parents would keep their kids inside. Unfortunately, tonight wasn't a night kids could stay in. Tonight was Halloween.
I could see all the parents with their young children already trick or treating. The parents looked like they were trying to finish early so they could get their kids inside where it would be safe.
Tonight wasn't a night for staying in for me, or those like me. Let me clarify. I am a witch and Halloween is our Holiday. It was created a long time ago to keep the evil spirits away from the Muggles and to keep them safe. In order to accomplish this, they would dress up as monsters so they wouldn't be known as the Muggles that they were. It made it easier for us to blend in and still celebrate.
Tonight we were able to laugh and be ourselves in both worlds instead of hiding away in the wizarding world. Tonight was going to be amazing.
The plan was to meet up in a clearing in the forest. It was all of us kids from school. We were supposed to meet up at ten. Once in the forest, we would all go flying. With the way the sky looked, it promised to be an amazing ride.
I hurried to get ready. I put on my robes and packed food for tonight and grabbed my broom rushing out the door. My parents were barely able to say bye as I was leaving. I ran down the street carrying everything when I ran into someone. I looked up and saw a Muggle staring down at me. I quickly grabbed everything and without sparing the Muggle a second glance I hurried away.
As I was running towards the forest, I heard someone came up. I slowed down and looked to see who it was. It was the Muggle following me. I stopped and pivoted.
"Why are you following me?" I asked him as I reached for my wand.
"You can see me? I mean, you ran into me, right?" He asked, looking confused.
I finally looked at him. I mean, really looked, and I noticed something just wasn't right. He was dressed in clothes not from this century. The clothes were ripped and some places looked like they were set on fire. His hair was messed up and not on purpose like some Muggles were. He looked like he was from another time. And it didn't look like a costume; it was too real to be a costume.
"Yes, I ran into you. And yes, I can see you. Who are you exactly and why are you following me?" I asked him a little nicer.
"My name is Michael. I don't understand what is going on. It has been so long since someone has been able to see me. Have you seen my sister? I've lost her and I'm scared of what might have happened to her." He looked around worried as he said this.
"What does she look like?"
"She... well she's small, I think. I can't remember. I'm not sure. Why don't I remember?"
"What's the last thing that you remember?" I asked, wondering what was going on.
"I remember there was a fire in the village. It was horrible; everything was burning. I was running home to get my sister out of the house. And my mother... I don't know what happened after that," he said, concentrating.
"Did you reach your house?"
"I don't know." He was getting frustrated. He couldn't remember what happened.
"Do you remember when this happened? The date?"
"It was Sunday, October 31, 1880. What is today? How long has it been? Where is my sister and my mother?" He started looking around again frantically.
"Calm down, it's okay. I think they are okay. It happened a long time ago."
"What do you mean? It happened just a few hours ago."
"Michael, calm down and look around you. What do you see?"
He looked around and I thought for the first time, he started to see everything - the buildings, the people and the cars. He looked back at me, confused.
"What is all of this? Where is my village?"
"Today is October 31, 2012. This is a city, not a village. I think that you died in that fire Michael. I think that you died trying to get your sister and mother out. I don't know why you are still here. I didn't even know Muggles could be ghosts. I am pretty sure that your sister and mother have probably crossed over and are waiting for you," I said, trying to sound reassuring.
"Crossed over where?" He looked at me doubtfully.
"I don't know where ever people go after they die. I think the reason you can't find them is because they are already waiting for you somewhere else. I also think that the reason you weren't able to move on is because you have been searching for them."
"So how do I let go so I can find them?" He looked at me with hope for the first time.
"I don't know, maybe try letting go and stop trying to find them?"
He closed his eyes and started to smile. I could see something is going on and before I could even ask about it he faded away. I smiled. I was glad I could help someone.
I wake up and look around me. I look at the clock and it's 6 a.m. I look at the calendar and see that it's only September.
I really need to stop watching ghost movies before going to bed.