Spaghetti with a Nutty Touch
You had a busy day? Too lazy to really cook for yourself? Well, cooking can be fairly easy. With just a few ingredients, you can create for yourself an easy and delicious dinner which is very convenient when you got home late, have to start early again the next day and you are totally not in the mood to stand ages behind your kitchen stove. So here for all you guys, an easy pasta recipe! And yes, making a pasta is always easy to make!
But what do you need for this?
For one person
— Spaghetti (around 110-120gr)
— 100gr Green beans
— A half Courgette (cut in blocks of 1-2cm)
— Pesto Genovese
— 1 nut burger
— 25gr roasted pine nuts
— Olive oil (for backing the burger)
And yes, as you have noticed, this recipe is vegetarian recipe. That's not because I'm one myself but more like I wanted to try out a nut burger and decided to use it like this!
— So let's start with cooking the spaghetti like you normally do. I'm not going to instruct you guys how to do that. Just look on the package of the spaghetti. But normally, it's like 10 minutes or so. It all depends on what kind of spaghetti you are using!
— In the meanwhile, heat some water for the green beans. Clean the green beans and cut them in pieces of 2-3 cm. Roll them into a little bit of salt to keep the green color. Cook the green beans for 3 to 5 minutes.
— When you are done with cleaning the green beans, warm oil in a fried pan and bake the nut burger in it for about 5 minutes. (Remember to flip sides, so it doesn't get burned.)
— When your nut burger is baked around 2 1/2 minutes, add the Courgette and bake it together with the burger.
— When your spaghetti and green beans are done with cooking, drain both. Put them together on a plate. Add the courgette and 2 to 3 spoons of Pesto Genovese. Mix it together.
— Slice the nut burger in piece of 2-3cm. And sprinkle the nut burger together with the pine nuts over the spaghetti!
And you're done!! Well, it takes like 15 minutes to make this recipe! Try it out sometimes!!