Under the Moon, Part 1
Chapter One — The Invitation
Rachel watched the owl flutter down to her bed. It landed with a thump over her covers. The bird held its leg out, and Rachel saw on it a roll of parchment. Her mother had told her the story long ago: how they lived in a world full of wizards and witches, and more importantly, how her family was part of it.
Rachel had been expecting the letter since her 11th birthday.
"How come you're so late!?" she demanded the owl. "My birthday was a week ago!" She snatched angrily the letter from the bird. "Took you long enough," Rachel muttered as she unrolled the parchment. The owl gave an indignant hoot as Rachel read.
Dear Ms. Garmens,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.
Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.
Yours sincerely,
Melinda Partrowens
A yell of joy escaped from Rachel's lips. She was too excited to contain herself. Who could blame her? She was finally, finally going to a place for people just like her! Then, Rachel's mother burst into the room.
"Rachel! Are you okay?! I heard you screamed and..." her voice trailed off. Matilda Garmens had spotted the owl on her daughter's bed. "Oh sweetie, it came!" she said. "That's wonderful!"
"I know!"
Ms. Garmens scanned the list of books and equipment. "Well," she sighed. "It looks like we're going to Diagon Alley."
Rachel had gone to Diagon Alley once in her life. Her father had needed some immediate galleons, and the family took an emergency trip to Gringotts. But this was different: they were going to go solely for her, and Rachel was going to take advantage of it.
As they walked into the Leaky Cauldron, Rachel's father said, "You know, if you're going to be there for a whole term, you're bound to have some... er... tricky nights."
"I know," Rachel replied. "And I'm going to take care of it."
They bought robes, books and even a Cleensweep, so when the two had finished shopping, Mr. Garmens was quite satisfied. Rachel, however, was thinking about what her father said at the beginning of the day. What if she did have tricky nights? This question haunted her through every day 'til September, 1st. By the time they had to go to King's Cross, Rachel was considering faking illness.
"I've changed my mind," she told her mother. "I don't need to go to Hogwarts."
"Rachel! But it's the best for your education!"
"Yes but... can't you home school me?"
"With your father and my jobs at the Ministry? Don't be ridiculous!"
"Rachel," her father cut in, "you are going and that's final."
He looked around nervously for watching muggles, and then slipped through the magical portal to the Hogwarts Express. Rachel did the same, and immediately joined her father on the other side. Ms. Garmens kissed her daughter lightly on the head; then she and her husband departed through the barrier, leaving Rachel alone.
Rachel entered the train and sat down in a small, cozy compartment. She would have appreciated company, but no one came but the trolley. Rachel grew quite lonely, until the lights of a castle appeared ahead.
The sky was a magnificent blue, and you could see all the stars. Rachel and the other first years crowded beside a figure who was calling, "First years! Over here! Come on!" All the students climbed into boats, which were pulled across the lake. Then the children filled into the castle and then into something someone called 'The Great Hall'.
The first years stood in a line facing an old and rather ugly hat. A woman who Rachel figured should be Melinda Partrowens stood in front of them. She smiled and said, "Welcome, everyone, and let The Sorting begin!"
The old hat was placed on top of each student's head and, to Rachel's amazement, came to life and shouted things such as, "Ravenclaw!" or "Slytherin!" One by one, the students went to a table after they were sorted. Soon it was Rachel's turn.
"Hufflepuff!" the hat cried. Melinda pointed Rachel to the closest table, and she sat down. Suddenly, an older girl bounded up.
"Nice to meet you! I'm Vikki! It's always nice to meet a new first year."
Rachel smiled, but inside she thought, "Oh how those feelings will change come full moon."