High in Asgard there is a grandeur hall,
where the brave and mighty of battle dwell.
True heroes, honourably, who did fall
reside in Valhalla with a farewell
from those who mourn tollings of the death bell.
They are under the command of Odin;
Upon the great horse Sleipnir he rode in
"Listen carefully to the words I say;
Valiant warriors, heroes of old
For the horrors we'll face are underway.
Ragnarok will leave the world dark and cold,
And these events will very soon unfold.
Horrific warriors will be purg'ed;
And Earth shall fight back and be submerg'ed."
As the great warriors stood and listened
To the grave news they had been expecting
Cool sweat of anticipation glistened
Upon their brows as they began collecting
Their armor and things to start protecting
The world they had all lived and loved upon,
Which they would begin defending at dawn.