Helga's Welcome Song
Come one, come all, to my welcoming arms,
Here we are all friends who want to have some fun
Whether by learning DADA, Herbology, or Charms,
Or maybe just by playing Quidditch under rain and sun.
We're around to aid each other at all cost,
Making sure everyone succeeds in their plan,
Helping out so no one wanders or gets lost,
As after all a single person can be just only man.
Magic is what binds us all into one,
Combines us like puzzle pieces falling together,
And this is the only way one can do the long run,
Otherwise one would be as weak as a feather.
So stand up and give a hand to your friends,
Keep working as a team instead of your own,
Work out and close any possible loose ends,
And you might just rise up to the throne.