Arrr! How to Talk Like a Pirate
For those o' you unaware, September 19th be known as International Talk Like a Pirate Day (TLaP Day). And whilst we be done with September, I still want to talk to ye about the importance of knowing HOW to talk like a pirate. Savvy?
On this day we celebrate by incorporatin' pirate lingo into everyday life. You can also enjoy this holiday by dressin' up like a pirate, too.
Avast! But how do you learn t' talk like a pirate? Here's a few tips and tricks on how t' adapt t' this fine holiday.
1. For those o' you muggles and muggle-friendly wizards using t' social media giant Facebook, thar be an option where you can switch t' language t' Pirate. This makes TLaP Day particularly amusin', as you can see how many o' your mateys be eyein' your tales with pleasure. You'll find t' language settin' under 'Account Settings,' and Pirate be listed as "English(Pirate)".
2. Watch some old pirate movies. If you're anythin' like me, hearin' someone talk in an accent forces me mind t' adapt t' it. If you've ever done a marathon o' Harry Potter and been stuck with a British accent for a few days t' follow, this method will work for you.
3. Know your five A's. Ahoy, Avast, Aye, Aye aye, and Arrr!
Ahoy should be used as a greetin', like 'Hello!'
Avast be more like an expression o' surprise.
Aye be used t' agree t' somethin'.
Aye aye be used mainly when acceptin' orders from your cap'n.
When all else fails, use Arrr! It can mean'Yes,' 'I agree,' 'I'm happy,' 'That's horrible!' 'You're kidding!' and even 'I completely disagree.' There's a myriad o' uses for Arrr!, and it can be used in t' place o' pretty much anythin'. Be creative.
4. Research pirate vocabulary. It's not enough t' just talk with a slur, or slide by with your basic A's. You should be usin' words like matey, land lubber, scurvy, smartly, belay, and cap'n. Go online and find out if you're not sure as t' what these words would be useful for.
5. Spread t' word! It's more fun if everyone around you be aware o' why you're suddenly talkin' like a pirate. And even more fun if they join in on it as well.
So mark your calendars and don't forget t' participate, or I'll make ye' scrub t' deck!