Interview With Some First Years
Welcome, new Badger cubs!
A new year begins in HOL, and we already have so many young wizards and witches sorted in Hufflepuff. They are already active in our beautiful Sett, and they are enthusiastic and anxious about their first year. We managed to find and interview some of them. They answer questions related to their first impression of HOL. Some are already comfortable in the castle; some are still a bit shy. Soon, we'll embrace them all in our family. Let's read what they have to say!
1. Did you expect to get sorted into Hufflepuff? Why or why not?
Amélie Grizedale: Nope! I consider myself quite intellectual and success-driven, so I half-expected Ravenclaw or Slytherin. Hufflepuff was a pleasant surprise.
Aubrielle MacKenna: Sort of. I figured I would either be sorted into Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw, one of my two favorite houses. Though the Sorting Hat did almost put me in Gryffindor, which shocked me, as I'm pretty lacking in the courage department! I'm definitely very happy to be here in the Sett with all these kind, all around amazing badgers!
Enid Labs: Now I would say YES. Because, since my first website of HP (HOL) I've always been sorted in Hufflepuff, so I can't admit being in another house.
Georgia Braidwood: Yes, I expected to be sorted into Hufflepuff. It was either Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw because I thought my personality best fit either of these houses.
Jessamine Quick: I was hopeful, but I didn't really know what to expect. I've always thought I have a Hufflepuff's heart and a Ravenclaw's brain, so Sorting can go either way with me. The heart won out (by a single point!) as it should, and I was thrilled. Hufflepuff has been my favorite house for ages, and it's the one where I know I'd be most at home.
Kate Quinn: I did, actually. A long time ago, when I first got into Harry Potter, I saw myself as a Ravenclaw because I'm pretty nerdy and I like books and learning. But then I joined a sorting community online, and they said I was a Hufflepuff — to which I went, "Wait, what?" But I learned that I really was a Hufflepuff — that my values of honesty and fairness supersede my bookishness and other traits. So yeah, I've come to love the 'Puff side of me and was excited to be sorted 'Puff here as well.
Mary Ann Shaw: I was guessing either Hufflepuff or Gryffindor because whenever I take Sorting tests I get either one of those houses.
Sirius Fudge: I've always considered myself to have a bit of each house's qualities or characteristics, but it is being loyal to a friend and other Hufflepuff qualities that I can give my 100%, the character that I am sure that I really possess. The moment that I answered Hufflepuff to the Sorting question, I expected it since the Sorting Hat considers the individual's preference.
Sophia Welch: I had no expectations coming into the Sorting, but I certainly hoped that Hufflepuff would be the house that I ultimately ended up in. I believe that the Sorting does its job properly and that each person gets put into the house they were destined for, so I didn't worry, but my expectation was that I didn't fit any specific "category" per se of the other Houses, so naturally that left me with the good ol' Badgers!
Stephanie Granger: Well... I didn't expect to get sorted into Hufflepuff because I didn't know what was my ideal House! I'm clever, yes, and courageous, but also friendly and very inclined to help people! I think Hufflepuff is the home for people like me: exquisite and virtuous!
2. How was the welcome from older students?
Amélie: I've only just been sorted, so I haven't met anyone yet. I'm looking forward to it, though!
Aubrielle: They were all very kind and inviting. I felt at home here nearly at once!
Enid: Well, they gave me a really friendly welcome. I loved it.
Georgia: Everyone made me feel very welcome; any questions I had were answered quickly and fully. I learned a lot!
Jessamine: Very kind and warm. It's always awkward to be the new kid in someone else's sandbox, but everyone's been very welcoming. I can't wait to get to know everyone better, so I clearly need to get over my chat phobia and get on IRC.
Kate: Wonderful! As soon as I posted in the Sett forums, I had lots of welcomes from older students, as well as the first time I stumbled into the Hufflepuff chat on IRC. Everyone has been so very helpful, answering all my questions, and just very kind and welcoming.
Mary Ann: No older students have spoken to me personally, so I cannot say yes that they have.
Sirius: It was warm, them replying to your inquiries regarding stuff like Sett games, sending you a welcome email (it's nice that we have someone that guides us) and the many things they provide for you to enjoy your HOL experience especially when you are at the Sett.
Sophia: It has been warmer than I could have imagined thus far. Everyone is being incredibly nice and helpful, and I can't imagine that the other houses have people as good as the Hufflepuffs have got!
Stephanie: Older students... OMG! I have never seen so gentle and friendly and generous people! They asked me if I was okay, if I needed some help, if I had all clear and so on. Splendid people, in only two words!
3. What was the first thing you did after your signup?
Amélie: Get my wand. 11" reed and dragon heartstring!
Aubrielle: I wandered around HOL and the Sett for a while trying to get a feel of the place. I threw together a quick avatar and signature to use around the forums. Then once I mustered up the courage, I started posting a bit around the Sett, playing some of the games, answering trivia questions, and a few other challenges that offered citrines.
Enid: That is a thing I can't remember. But today (after I came back) the first thing I did was reading my messages and getting into the Sett.
Georgia: I went to get my wand, then I explored the wonderful world of HOL!
Jessamine: I registered with both the HOL Forum and the Sett and started reading as much as I could.
Kate: I think I read every thread of the forums, ha ha. I was just very excited to find out what everything was about!
Mary Ann: I signed up for forums and looked through classes.
Sirius: First thing that I did? I read the post at the Entrance Hall regarding the classes. I scanned the list and got excited for the subjects that I will take for the year.
Sophia: I looked at the course catalog for the classes! After all, that is what Hogwarts is for, right? Learning? Ha! In all seriousness though, I actually wandered around Hogsmeade for a bit and went to go buy my wand, which I love with all my heart.
Stephanie: I watched out about my House! Who are the Prefects, the Head Students, the Professors...
4. What is your favourite thing in HOL until now?
Amélie: I'm not sure yet. I definitely like all the different activities — Quidditch, duels, different challenges.... The classes look awesome, too!
Aubrielle: Well, that enormous class list is looking pretty promising! I haven't been active in the HOL forum, but I do enjoy hanging here around the Huffie forums. Also haven't gone on IRC yet. I've always been really shy and nervous about instant messaging and the like. Hopefully I'll get on there soon and see what I'm missing out on!
Enid: Mmm... I definitly would say that the Sett!
Georgia: Hmm... I love doing the assignments for classes, especially the Dark Arts. I actually learned a lot too.
Jessamine: I haven't found anything that I don't like, but if I had to pick a favorite thing, it would probably be the Sett itself. It's fun, and there's a real sense of community and pride here that I like quite a bit.
Kate: I love all the activities, earning Citrines in the Sett and points by doing stuff in the Library and the Art Department. I've also really enjoyed botting Quidditch questions and just getting to know all the other people here.
Mary Ann: The classes seem quite nifty.
Sirius: The Sett. I love the games (with citrines or without citrines)!
Sophia: So far, the people! And I don't expect that will change anytime soon. I really see some potential for great friends in the future here.
Stephanie: After all other Badgers, classes! They're beautiful and very interesting!
5. What are your expectations of this first year? What are your plans?
Amélie: To complete my classes and try to participate in as many activities as I can. That way, I can hopefully figure out what I'm good at, be involved, make some friends, etc., so the following years will be that much more fun!
Aubrielle: I'm hoping to have a lot of fun here and to make new friends. I want to try and earn a lot of house points and citrines over the next year. Also, I would like to give Quidditch a try, but my Harry Potter trivia knowledge is pretty rusty. I need to re-read the series, so I don't get pummeled by the bot!
Enid: I think I want to take at least one class and finish it, and make good friends as some persons very close to me did before.
Georgia: I hope to earn my quills to get into my second year.
Jessamine: I expect this to be a great year! I'm very excited for classes to begin, and I plan to work hard, have fun, and be involved. I also expect Hufflepuff to win the House Cup again, and I plan to do my part to make it happen!
Kate: I'm expecting for it to just be more and more awesome! I hope to make lots of new friends. My plans are to take a lot of classes and do my best to earn lots of points for Hufflepuff. And maybe try out for Quidditch later on.
Mary Ann: First and foremost to have fun.
Sirius: Expectations: More Sett games, class works and many many opportunities for house points. Plans: to do what to do (doing class works, participating in games, etc.) Many house points and citrines. Have fun!
Sophia: I hope to get good marks all across the board and be able to elevate myself into a successful second year! I eventually want to be a Professor at HOL, but that's not for a long, long, long time... so until then, I'll just ride the wave of life and hope that it gets me somewhere exciting.
Stephanie: I hope it will be the first fantastic year at HOL, with this beautiful House! I will join five classes and try to earn a lot of points for Hufflepuff!
Let's all wish them a great first year and may all their expectations come true!