Hufflepuff's New Prefects

By Rorey Padfoot

Hufflepuff has new Prefects!

If you haven't already heard the wonderful news, Hufflepuff hired two brand-spanking-new Prefects this summer, Rachel Selenia and Ely Granger. I was able to catch up with the two and grab an exclusive interview for the Wizarding Times.

Rorey: Hi, ladies, thank you for taking the time to talk with me and let the readers get to know you a bit.

Ely: Hi, I'm Ely Granger, and I'm in my third year. I've been a member of the Pen Pal Club since August 2009. There I'm a Cheerleader and a Welcome Wagon member; I enjoy it so much! When I'm not at the PPC or at my dear Sett, you can find me playing silly games with my friends the Snakes. I'm not assisting or teaching any classes, but next term I'd like to teach a class about Italian regions because I'm from Italy.

Rachel: Hi! I'm Rachel Selenia, a sixth year student (although I've been around since 2002). I'm involved in pretty much everything around HOL: I'm a Pen Pal Club assistant, Head of the HOL Tolkien Society, language helper, First Friend adopter, Badger Buddy, student teacher, I write for the House papers every now and then (having a column in the Wizarding Times)... *thinking* I think that's all of it. Oh, right — I'm also one of the leaders of the Yellow Kingdom!

Rorey: Do you all see? These two do a ton around the House and HOL. Busy little badgers. How excited were you two to have become Prefects?

Ely: In some moments I can't believe that I'm really a Prefect, but then I reread the letter Zoki sent me and I say "Yeah, Ely, it's real! You are a Prefect!" I really didn't expect to be chosen to be a Prefect because I thought I was too young... being only a third year! When Zoki asked me if I wanted to be the new Hufflepuff Prefect I was very excited; I called my dad and I asked him to read the letter. He was so happy! He knows how much HOL and Hufflepuff are important for me.

Rachel: I was so excited to be chosen to become a Prefect! Somewhere in the back of my head I was hoping to some day reach that position, but I never dreamed of getting there so soon after becoming active at HOL again. So I was really happy, and I'm looking forward to be able to help out at HOL in a new way than before!

Rorey: Ahh I remember being asked to be a Hufflepuff Prefect! It truly is a wonderful feeling and experience. What do you two want to do now that you're a Prefect? Do you have specific duties you have to do now?

Ely: First of all everyday I check that everything is OK at the Sett and on the Hufflepuff channel on IRC; then I'll participate in the Student Committee meetings. At the moment I'm one of the leaders of the Yellow Kingdom.

Rachel: What I most wish to do as a Prefect is make sure that everyone is having fun and is happy at HOL! I'll always do my best to help anyone who needs help!

Rorey: Yay, staying active is so important when being a Prefect! Making sure all the little badgers are doing well is important too! What are you most looking forward to this year?

Ely: This year I really would like to teach my class next term, and I want to reach 3,000 House points. Oh, and I hope to be a good Prefect!

Rachel: I'm most looking forward to all the fun activities around the Sett, being a student teacher for the first time, and being more involved in the PPC than I've been in the years before.

Rorey: Now here is where we get interesting. Can you each tell our readers five things about yourself that they wouldn't already know?

Ely: — When I joined the PPC I started to spam everywhere... I posted even in the archives because I didn't know I couldn't do that. XD But then I received a PM from Miss Dream saying I couldn't do that so I stopped and I became a good PPCer.
— I love strange nail polish colors such as electric blue, light yellow/green with glitters, periwinkle...
— I joined the Sett in August 2009 but I re-discovered it only in October of the same year because I forgot about the common room, I was so busy with my HOL homework...
— I don't really like blueberry muffins. I prefer chocolate muffins!
— I 'discovered' IRC only a few months ago, thanks to the insistence of Miss Miranda.

Rachel: I've fun facts about myself? Let's see...
1. I'm scared of heights but dream of parachute jumping, flying airplanes (pilot's certificate) and other things like that.
2. I'm scared of water but would love to get a diver's certificate and dive in the ocean.
3. I still have my three favorite cuddly toys on my bed (I'm 23 years old...)
4. When I was 9 years old I decided which song would be played/sung at my funeral — and I still haven't changed my mind.
5. I'm short — only 5'1'' / 1.55 metres tall — with tiny feet (and hands) which is why I hate shopping even though I love fashion, clothes and shoes!

Rorey: Oh how fun!!!! Well, I don't want to keep you from your busy schedules. Thank you so much for taking the time out for me and the Wizarding Times!! *hugs you both*

Ely: Bye bye! And don't forget to complete all the homework and extra credit!! We want the House Cup again!!

Rachel: HOL is truly my second home. I love being a part of it, I love all the wonderful people around here, and I'm looking forward to be able to contribute to all this amazing-ness in even more ways now, being a Prefect and all!