A Tale of Love
Written by Zoki Phantom

Once upon a time in the small town of Merotio lived Asco, the Prince of all Good. He lived alone in the castle that he inherited from his father, Rosechi, the previous king, and alone he ruled the land too. He was really good-hearted and always helped everyone who asked him for help; he always was kind and generous, and everyone respected him and loved him for that. His kind acts were known everywhere around the world, and people came from all places just to meet him. He seemed really happy, as if his soul was filled with some magic. His spirit glowed no matter what happened. It was like having a diamond with healing powers.
But one day, the diamond broke; he was no longer shining with happiness, and it looked as if he lost his healing powers; it looked like he was the one that needed to be healed desperately now. And it was true, the young prince was really hurt, in the place where it hurts the most — the heart.
The whole town was worried, and it seemed that all the citizens forgot about everything and were just wondering how to help their wonderful prince. But no matter how much they tried, how much effort they made, they couldn't find out what the problem was, since the Prince didn't want to talk, and they didn't know of any disease that it could be.
But one day, a very honored healer was passing by the town and as soon as some citizens saw him, they recognized him and asked him kindly if he could help. He was more than willing to help. They quickly led him to the castle and left him alone with the Prince, to check him. After a few hours, when the rest of the people in the castle were getting nervous and impatient, the healer came out of the Prince's room. Everyone gathered around him in a circle asking him how the Prince was feeling, why was he sick, what was he sick from, how can he be cured, when will he be cured, etc.
The healer smiled and told them to lower their voices and stop the questions for their prince was actually feeling great and wasn't sick, at least not from a disease. When they looked surprised at him, he explained them that he was feeling bad because he needed love; he said he talked to him and after learning something about the family's past, he understood that the family slowly becomes extinct if there is no love, and basically at the moment the family consisted only of the Prince and a few other relatives that weren't that happily married.
But the citizens were still confused. "What can we do about it?" they asked. The healer replied, "There isn't much that you can do. If he hasn't fallen in love yet, then probably no one in this town suits him. Your best chance is to either ask a girl from a nearby town that he might fall in love with to help you, or just wait for him to fall in love with someone, eventually. However, the latter is not the best idea since he might not live enough to meet his soul mate."
After hearing that, beginning the next day, each female citizen tried their luck by visiting the prince, though it looked like that weakened the Prince even more, and he didn't even show interest in any of them. But, it's funny how destiny plays with folk. He spent weeks and maybe months being sick and weak, and getting visits from girls trying to be good-looking and good-hearted when it was obvious that all they wanted was to be princesses, and then, after having no luck with that, he fell in love with someone that wasn't even interested in him that much. One day when he wanted to get some fresh air, he came out on the balcony and saw a girl that was making pottery in a shop near the castle. He looked at her for a while, admiring her chestnut hair, her crystal and deep blue eyes, her face pure as water, her carriage better than an angel in flight: she looked like a Goddess that was wearing old and muddy clothes to disguise herself.
But, although she felt she had no chance going in the castle to visit the Prince before, now when she noticed him looking at her, she left the pottery and went toward the castle, all the while wondering if this was a good thing to do. She quickly repented for even thinking of that, though, because the guards at the castle didn't let her in. Since she was being stubborn about that, they started arguing and a lot of people gathered around them. The guards grabbed her and were about to take her away when the Prince appeared and yelled out, "No! Put her down! Let her come here! She is the cure I need, my love, my new woman." She ran to him and hugged him.
This is when Asco understood that you can't search for Love: it comes to you alone, in the right time and at the right place. So they married and lived happily ever after....