Prefects: The Mindless Robots?
Written by Celeste Marivaux
Editor's note: Some time ago, one of this editor's color changing spells went a little pear-shaped. Prof. Anya was able to reverse the effects on everything that could find, but it seems an article was missed. We now bring you the now spell-free article in its entirety. -CB
Okay, so there I was in the beginning of last term and I thought to myself, who should I interview? I was trying to come up with some spectacular idea and way of luring all the Huffles to the Wizarding Times. Just then, Felicia walked right past me, without even a look of acknowledgment that I was there; she was mumbling something to herself while nodding her head. She walked right up to the prefects' bathroom, whispered some password, and in she went still mumbling and in her own world. I believe she was going on about someone's socks not being the right height and color and in no way match their shoes, and that is when it hit me: "Prefects!!! It's perfect."
It's always said that being a prefect was one of the more difficult job roles in the house and they seemed to be in that bathroom quite a lot, which made me curious: "What do they really do in there?"
Hmm — time for some interviewing. I knew my chocolate frog trick wouldn't work with these prefects, so I decided to be a little more creative and take a different approach. I locked myself in the broom closet and began screaming for help. Each time one of the prefects would unlock it, I would relock it. I kept doing this till I was sure there was more than one prefect outside of the door. I could hear Tarma yelling out to the other students, "There nothing to see, back to your dorms." Anne was asking Felicia, "What's wrong with it?" Felicia, completely puzzled, was shaking her wand furiously at the door knob. I could hear the tapping sounds she was making.
Suddenly, I unlocked the door and they had all stumbled into the broom closet. As they got themselves up, Felicia bumped her head on the broom closet ceiling and knocked over a couple of brooms — to Tarma's dismay. I quickly locked the door and took their wands before they had a chance to react. "Well, ladies, I thought you would never get here! We are behind schedule so let's hurry up with this, shall we?"
All three prefects were amazed and confused. "Have a seat, ladies." I pointed at the buckets on the floor and proceeded to explain. "We are writing an exclusive for the Wizarding Times. You three have the most exhilarating privilege of being a part of it. Now, smile!" I quickly captured a snap and got my quill ready.

Tarma began barking and pointing her finger at me. "LET US OUT NOW!!!!" And, Anne added, "You will get detention for a month for this."
I explained to them they should feel honoured, not angry, because they are getting to be the subjects of an exclusive article, so much so that soon Huffle students will be lining up to ask them for their autographs. Felicia jumped up and yelled, "Really? Autographs?" I could see that Felicia was already practising in mid-air her autographing technique and her "Oh my gosh, I'm so embarassed, but, if you insist, I would love to give you an autograph" smile. Tarma still wasn't too sure, but she decided to go along with it, while mentioning if she didn't like where this was going, she was going to make me clean all the bathrooms at Hogwarts.
"Well, ladies, tell me who you are and how long have you been in HOL?" I asked
Felicia pushed in first, saying every word with a dose of glamour and fame. "I'm Felicia Hartwick," making sure the quill wrote her name right, "and I have been here since the very beginning of HOL."
Anne gave her a sideways look as if trying to tell her to settle down, then looked back and politely said, "My name is Anne G. Damhsoir and I have been here for almost seven years. I'm sure some of your readers will be confused by my name. It's pronounced Dow-Sheer; it means Dancer in Gaelic."
Tarma didn't seem to want to answer, but I gave her some delicious blueberries and her eyes lit up like wildfire. "Wow, thanks for the blueberries! How did you know I liked them?" Of course, it's my job to know these things. While munching on blueberries, Tarma began to answer the question. "Well, my name is Tarma Amelia Black and I joined December 13th, 2003."
"So you all have been here at HOL for a long time, but for how long have you all been Prefects?"
Felicia, again, jumped in first. "Well, I really can't remember how long, I love my job so much. I think for about five years."
Anne butted in. "Well, I was a prefect a few years ago, but then I had the wonderful opportunity of interning with the fashion geniuses at Kenneth Troll and Calvin Kappas. After finishing a few years with them, I became a prefect again and have been for the last two years."
Felicia didn't seem too impressed, but she let it go. Tarma simply said, "My job as prefect began on November 1st, 2005."
"How did you get the prefect job? Did you have to earn it?"
Tarma jumped in before anyone else had a chance. "I was a sprout for a while to a most wonderful prefect, Emma Pacifica. So having a track record of helping out, I was given the opportunity."
Anne said, "I applied for it and to my surprise I got it, along with Kelsey "Wall of Doom" Willow and our own dear Taia. The second time I applied, I got the job again."
Felicia straightened her pose. "I guess you can say I earned it; after all, you do have to show your Huff spirit and be active and all that to get the shiny badge," she said while polishing her badge with her hand. "However, I think they gave me the badge so they could keep tabs on me." She was looking a little confused.
"What's the best part of being a prefect?"
Anne said, "I love having the extra space in the Prefect's Bathroom. It's also a great opportunity to work with the professors of Hufflepuff."
Felicia responded, "That's an easy question! I can be out in the corridors after curfew and not get in trouble, and I get the password for the good bathroom." Felicia had a large smile on her face as if she was very proud of her corridor duty.
Tarma shouted, "DETENTION! Putting people in detention. Speaking of which, you are still in detention."
Felicia looked horrified. "WHAT!! You mean to tell me I could have handed out detentions?!" She smacked her forehead and mumbled to herself, "And all this time I've been getting them."
"Okay, ladies, now be honest: what really goes on in the Prefect's Bathroom?"
Tarma shook her head. "Nope, we can't tell you. It's a secret. But it has something to do with MWB."
Anne added, "Well, it's all top secret, but Fels and I do a lot of our primping in there."
"Now, Tarma, I heard you enjoy Gilbert and Sullivan operettas. Which is your favourite?
Tarma gasped. "What a wonderful question! How did you ever know to ask? Yes, I do love The Mikado! And, my favourite version is the one with Bonaventura Bottone and Eric Idle in it."
Anne added, "Well, I enjoy that pirate one — Pirates of Penzance. I think pirates are dishy." Felicia nodded in agreement.
"So have any of you ever sneaked out to the kitchen while patrolling the corridors at night?"
Felicia explained, "Well, I wouldn't call it sneaking anymore, because the House Elves sort of expect it from us now."
Anne nodded. "Yes, it's more like a 'Morale Visit.'"
Tarma added, "Well, the kitchen is actually on my patrol route — it changed the second week I began patrolling!"
"Have you ever been so stressed out with prefect duties that you wanted to sprout leeks out of someone's ears?"
Anne was unsure. "Umm... no. But it would be interesting to see."
Tarma admitted, "I tried once but the spell turned the ears into pink flamingos."
Felicia said, "Stressed out? No, I can't say I've ever been stressed out over prefect duties. Like now, I have to get my part of the Orientation for the newbies going; I still have some AEC assignments to hand in; I have to help Tarma with filling in the blanks, not to mention the Library's "Name the Chapter" thing and then there's the NEWTs and trying to think of what I'll be doing in the new year. Oh, Merlin's beard! WHAT WILL I BE DOING NEXT YEAR?! No — not stressed out at all." She sat back in the corner and shivered. Anne and Tarma stared at her and then shrugged.
"So do you get along with all the professors?"
Felicia pulled a soap box out of nowhere and shouted out, "I LOVE ALL PROFESSORS!!" — hoping they may have heard her from inside the broom closet.
"What about your responsibilities? What do you really do?"
Felicia looked confused. "We have responsibilities too? Wow, I am learning a lot today. Well, I guess mine is to wander around the Sett keeping newbies in order, helping them when they need it. About the only thing I couldn't do is anything muggle technology related. That's Cosmo's job."
Anne answered, "My favourite, and the one job I'll miss the most, is being keeper of the Precious."
Tarma responded, "My jobs are the Citrine Cove, the DoHGaS, the Foster Badgers, and the... oh, a lot of stuff really."
"What is your least favourite job?"
Anne firmly stated, "Babysitting Parker on the weekends. It's the worst!!" Both Tarma and Felicia shuddered at the thought.
Felicia said, "I love everything about being a prefect. It was great fun helping out and keeping an eye on Hufflepuff. We have the greatest House and we all should be proud of it. If you want to become a prefect, just be active in the Sett."
Tarma said, "Not going to say. Oh, okay — sorting out the dead flobberworms from live ones without using gloves. Oh, yeah, that can be your detention."
"So any advice for any wanna-be prefects?"
Tarma nodded. "Be visible on the Sett and give attention to the code of behavior that is pointed out in the Orientation classes. There are things that a prefect must do that they might not do as students, and there are things that a student might do that would be frowned upon if you are a prefect. So, you need to learn how not to be seen. Develop a taste for Monty Python — that will help. Learn the Dead Parrot Sketch. Watch The Mikado." She sat back, looking proud at her answer.
"Is there something that constantly gets on your nerves?"
Anne, Tarma and Felicia yelled in unison, "PARKER!!!"
Tarma then added, "Also, when the kitchen runs out of blueberries....""Last Question! Are prefects mindless robot clones? Because you seem to be everywhere at once!
Tarma, never missing an opportunity to recruit, said, "Come bot in the quidditch chat, and see!"
Felicia said, "Mindless? What? Huh? You were saying something? There's a lot of us around."
Anne took a card from her pocket. "Umm — let me check what my little card of prewritten answers from Professor Anya says." In a robotic voice, she read, "No. We're just such fun people that it just seems like we're everywhere."
"Thank you, ladies," I said. "You may have your wands back and leave the closet. Thank you again and start practicing your autographs." Felicia made autograph signs in the air.
They all left the closet, but then Tarma turned around. "Celeste, I'll be seeing you in detention for the sorting of the flobberworms."
Well, there you have it, folks: the prefects are not mindless clones! (However, I still am not convinced.) I guess I better be going to start my detention. Tune in next time, when I interview the Hufflepuff Ghosts and House Elf. Does Parker really have a soft side? Is there a reason behind his crazy outbursts? Is Wilbur happy being the new House Elf?