The Wizarding Times

End of Term Letter

Ah, July. Are you really here again — this quickly? Where did the term go?

Professors and Student Teachers are frantically marking their Finals, the Head Office is frantically counting points for end of year things, and we, here in Hufflepuff, are a bit-less frantically planning Summer Activities for our eager Badgers! Just because HOL takes a break during the summer doesn't mean that there isn't fun to be had!

Soon you'll see an influx in Newbies. You might, in fact, find me hiding under my desk with my yearly plate of brownies. I'll probably have other staff members under there with me. It's tradition, after all!

Before I crawl under there, though, there is one major thing I'd like to point out — HOL 4.0. Yes, our Headmaster has done it AGAIN! We have a new and improved shiny entrance hall ( To the left you'll find BLOG posts (which you can subscribe to via RSS feed). To the right, you'll see links to your Profile, your Treasures, your Bean Pouch and more! You can send and receive HOL Messages now.

That means our staff can send and receive HOL Messages, as well! Keep an eye on your Messages — we will be sending out e-mails this summer!

So, take a moment and check out the new entrance hall. The Headmaster has combined many things about your Profiles and Student Files — and, things flow nicely and show up a bit better. It was a labor of love for him — please give him a round of applause!

It's been a great term overall. In fact, we won the House Cup for the FIFTH year in a row. Sit back and think about that for a minute, will you? It's an amazing accomplishment — and, we all did it together! Hufflepuff beat out Ravenclaw (barely!) with 114,318 Points. We have four lovely students graduating and heading onto Post-Graduate status — Anne Damhsoir, Belle Black, Marie Alexander, and Felicia Hartwick. Congratulations ladies! And, you have all survived the first term with me as Head of House.

I say let's break out the Butterbeer and celebrate!

So, have a lovely summer — but, come back and play with us as the warm days go by. There will be lots of fun to be had, as always, here in Hufflepuff!

Prof. Anya Chutney

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