The Department of Huffle Games and Sports is winding up yet another year of providing challenges for Badgers and Sett-visitors. So far there have been no fatalities, although I think someone reported someone being transported to Siberia. But that is really just a rumour. Really.
Anyway, each month we offer 2 or 3 opportunities to earn Citrines! This past year, starting in July of 2007 and ending with June 2008, we have had a total of 27 games and challenges where folks could entertain themselves while at the same time gathering Citrines with which to purchase items at the Sett Shop.
The games usually had some sort of Harry Potter theme but the range of content went from PoA comparison of French/English to Sudoku to finding the differences in two pictures of Harry Potter himself. Sometimes
In addition to the Citrines to be earned in each game, if you earned half or more of the Citrines possible in each game, you were eligible for Challenge Master Citrines. Yes, you could earn an additional 20 or 30 Citrines by completing all of the Challenges offered and getting over half of the Citrines available in them.
This past year's Challenges were created by Professor Dom Gaidin, Professor Esmerelda Knotwise and Tarma Black.
Come join us in the DoHGaS! You too can challenge your HP knowledge and earn Citrines to purchase dungbombs or Godiva chocolate at our Sett Shop! (Oh, I don't know if Cosmo stocks dungbombs....)