Family Ties
This month I asked the Wizarding Times contributors to consider a theme of thankfulness and gratitude as they worked on articles and ads and poems and things. So it's only fitting — and fair — that I speak to the subject myself.
Outside the hallowed halls of HOL, things haven't been going particularly well for me and my family. We've definitely had worse times, but we've also had much, much better. That said, I'm realizing (again) just how lucky I am to have my particular family, particularly as I get to know more and more people who are simply at odds with their own families and who have to hide their beliefs and parts of themselves in order to simply get along.
My family's not perfect, by any stretch the imagination, and we have our fair share of petty disagreements and bitterness. But by and large, we love and respect one another, we get along well, and most importantly, we're there for each other when the proverbial chips are down, no matter what. We do our best to support each other and be there for each other, and I'm coming to realize what are rarity and even a luxury that is.
I hope everyone can find that in their lives, whether it's their biological family or their found family of friends. Having people you can unequivocally rely on is such a wonderful thing, and it's something I'm sincerely grateful for.
Much love,
Prof. Cosmo