Badgers' Take on Quidditch
It is the month of November, and I can smell the competitive air of Quidditch. Quidditch is the most popular wizarding sport in many parts of the world that even Hogwarts holds its annual inter-house Quidditch Cup. Many had been part of the game, some devoting their life to the sport playing, refereeing or being a devoted fan. For this edition of the 'Badgers Take', we'll know how badgers feel about Quidditch. Are they positive about Quidditch? Or are they part of the campaign banning Quidditch? *coughs*
Specifically, we'll know what roles badgers prefer in a game of Quidditch. Do they want to be involved in the thrilling chase of quaffle to the goalposts or guard the posts from the opponents? Do they want to beat the bludgers with all their might or be the one avoiding them as they look for the snitch? Or maybe they would want to blow the whistle as a referee or comment on the progress of the game as the commentator? Maybe they would want to be a cheering spectator or a member of the fans club?
I asked the badgers "What would you like to be in a Quidditch game?" offering the following choices: Chaser, Beater, Keeper, Seeker, Referee, Commentator, Spectator and Others, Please Specify. Here are some of the answers I got:
I voted for Beater — Fred and George are my heroes!
I really really think Oliver Wood is awesome, but there is no way I'd want to be a Keeper! Chasing? Making goals!? YES!! That would be fun too! Seeking? No way. Finding and catching a little tiny snitch in all of the space of the quidditch pitch does not seem to be my idea of fun. But a good Beater's Bat and a powerful swing at a Bludger .... knocking opposing players off their broomsticks ... what more could one ask for? >:)
— Prof. Tarma Amelia Black, Professor
I voted for Spectator... Just like Hermione Granger, I am not very athletic. But I would be more then just a spectator... I love baking, so I would make some tasty treat for everyone at the after party!!!
— Star Andromeda Black, Third Year
I voted for spectator as Star because Quidditch is too dangerous for me... but I cheer for my team!
— Ely Granger, Fourth Year
I voted for Referee! I like the idea of being sort of in the middle of the action, without the pressure of my peers and teammates relying on me. There certainly is a lot of pressure on a referee, too, but it's a kind I feel like I could handle more. Besides, us badgers are great at being fair, right ;)? What more could you want than a fair referee!
— Ivelisse Ada, Third Year
I voted, like Tarma :), to be a Beater!! I love Fred and George as Beaters and they just loved to protect their Seeker and Chasers. Of course raging havoc all over the pitch would be something Tarma and I would enjoy! :thumbz:
— Prof. Kath Snape, Professor
I voted for Others since there's not an option to choose multiple things. ;)
These days, I'm more comfortable in the not-playing fashion, but if push comes to shove, I'm fine playing keeper. Besides being able to discuss strategy with Oliver Wood and Ron Weasley (hello, boys!), apparently playing keeper runs in the family: apparently my dad played goalie back when he played soccer football.
But when I want to sit out of playing, I wouldn't mind reffing; as Ive pointed out, we Badgers are fair, which is good for referees. I'm also a stickler for the rules, and those things combined would keep everyone on their best behavior, I think.
I also wouldn't mind trying to commentate. I probably wouldn't be very good at it — I'm certainly no Lee Jordan or Luna Lovegood — but it could be fun. It would also mean a whole lot of ad libs, and I'd probably freeze up. If I had someone commentating with me, though, that'd be fun. I think I'd be good as part of a double act. Either way, I think it would be cool to commentate matches.
And, hey, there's nothing wrong with being a spectator! I do enjoy being able to kick back and relax and just enjoy the game for what it is. And hey, I'd probably be able to knit while I'd doing it; even better! :knit:
So, how's that for an indecisive, inexact, and ineffectual answer? :halo:
— Prof. Cosmo B. Mott, Deputy Head of House
I voted for Spectator... why? because it's much safer then flying around high over the pitch at neck breaking speeds.
— Prof. Felicia Hartwick, Head of House
I voted Seeker as that was my preferred position when I played Quidditch. I simply like the Seeking part of the game more than the Quaffle part. I think it requires more specific skills rather than just being fast or have more strength than other players, and that's why I like Seeking the most.
I'm not a great sport person myself, but I find Seeking as a challenge that I'm willing to accept and actually quite enjoy. The other part of Quidditch is more stressful and isn't always as enjoyable as Seeking for myself. Maybe it's the fact that with Quaffle you meet face-to-face with the competition, but it simply doesn't give me the appeal that Seeking does. Plus, I don't like watching other people play something, nor am I great at making comments at the spot (in fact I'm awful at that), so out of the choices given I'd definitely take Seeking.
But if you ask me, I'd just ban quidditch. :P
— Zoki Phantom, Sixth Year
As a rundown, zero percent or none voted for chaser, keeper and commentator while 8.33% voted for referee and others which are specified above. 16.67% wanted to be a beater in the game and 25% wanted to be a seeker. And with 41.67%, being a spectator got the highest number of votes in the survey. Well, it looks like the HQT surely gets a lot of support from the crowd! And that's how badgers perceive the game of Quidditch.