Busting Hufflepuff's Huffleween 2012
The Hufflepuff house successfully celebrated its most anticipated autumn-term event, Huffleween! What is Huffleween? you may ask. Huffleween celebrates the thirteen (13) days before Halloween. And like the past years' Huffleween activities, this year's provided the badgers awesome opportunities to earn citrines, earn more and more citrines, show their hardworking and creative side, and most importantly, have fun.
The Sett had a major redecoration for the event including a 'Huffleween 2012' banner, the usual black-and-orange wall and tunnel colors and numerous pumpkins in the fireplace putting the Sett in the mood for the scary festival. From the 19th of October, fun-filled activities took place in the Sett causing some badgers to excitedly come to the Sett in their break times, sneak with food from the kitchen and do their homework in the library (because you can never do homework in the Sett at this time of the year! ;) ).
The event consisted of many activities like word search, 'find the differences', word scrambles and Sudoku and monster movie trivia. These challenging activities gave the hardworking badgers different prizes such as candies and other wizarding sweets they all enjoy. In addition, the badgers also had ghost hunting wherein they need to search for the Fat Friar and many other ghosts in the many tunnels of the Sett.
They also enjoyed themselves as they dressed in many costumes such as a warrior, a princess and as a peacock. Not only that, Tony Stark, Princess Leia and Snow White were also there. The creativity of the badgers were also tested as there were designing signature and avatar, poem-making and pumpkin carving. But the most challenging was Prof. Rorey's portkey which would take you to a haunted house full of twists and turns and 'evil' jigsaw and logic puzzles and Ive's inter-kingdom corn-maze quest which I am sure the badgers all enjoyed. *nods*
I got the chance to interview Hufflepuff's Head of House Prof. Felicia Hartwick on what she thought about the event. Here's the interview:
WT: Hello HoH Fels! How do you feel about the Huffleween 2012? :)
HoH Fels: Well, sadly Huffleween is over and it's time to get the Sett looking like the Sett once again. I can not tell you how excited I get each year when I come to the Sett and find it all decorated for Huffleween. Halloween has always been my favorite holiday and knowing that I'll find some interesting games and activities to take part in thrills me. Thank you Rorey, Cosmo, Ely, Eve, Rachel, Kath, Zoki, Violeta, Sirius and Ive for putting on wonderful quests and challenges for the Badgers to enjoy and earn some shiny citrines. My favorite activity was the Pumpkin Patch where we had to search the Sett for a ghost who was hiding in certain locations around the Sett. I'm amazed at the creativity of our Badgers after looking at their Halloween costumes and pumpkin carving skills. All in all I have to say that this year's Huffleween was a big success! Thank you to everyone who worked on it and who participated in it.. and I can't wait till next year!
That's it, everyone! And as HoH Fels said, it was a big success! And there you go, Hufflepuff's Huffleween 2012 celebration — busted!