The class sign-up has started;
Everywhere you feel the chill.
The newbies are a bit startled
And they might feel a bit ill.
"Maybe take Astronomy—
I love the stars and sun
But also Charms and Alchemy,
Both sound like lots of fun.
Explore a castle, make a wand
Or brew Potable Potions.
Is Muggle Studies what I want
Or is that Divination?
And then there is Dreamology,
And Fairy-Tales and Folklore,
And Role Play and Herbology—
Too great not to explore.
History of Magic,
Lycanthrophy and Codes!
Yes, it is quite tragic
I can only take five roads.
And there are so many more
Great classes I could take,
And oh so many points to score
That my stomach starts to ache."
But always we keep grinning
And ask you to do as well,
For this is the beginning
Of your life at H.O.L!