Wizarding Times
June/July 2004

Orders of Helga
Hufflepuff Reflections
Through Lion's Eyes
Through Eagle Eyes
Through Snake Eyes
My Roman Holiday - The Spanish Steps
Interview with an Editor
Real Muggle Magic?
Carnival Fun!
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Wizarding Times

Hufflepuff Reflections

by Pezzie Granger

Trunks are being packed and finals are being studied for, as Hufflepuff prepares to end another school term here at HOL. As we look forward to summer holidays, memories and thoughts on this past school year are being shared too. Thoughts from many first years, professors and prefects are being passed around. Some are silly memories and some sad, but all in all many memories.

In the middle of some the packing, those memories start to come out. Kohli Cutler, a first year student, reflected on the past year and was overheard saying, "The most memorable memory for me is starting the Pre-Quidditch Club and holding practices everyday. I made most of my friends that way." As some remembered that, Dolly Bulge, another first year student, added her memorable moment: "Probably the most memorable time for myself this year was when Morpheus was making up the entertaining Hufflepuff musicals... they were so much fun!!" Those who heard that memory giggled and cheered, recalling the fun musical.

Emma Pacifica, first year student, too wanted to share her memory. "Oh wow. There have been so many... searching for the perfect wand wood and hoping that the tree nymphs accepted my offering of wood lice when I found it.... late night cheer writing in the bucket and cheering at quiddy games... trying to find out who's missing form the huffie common room for the adopt a newbie program...entertaining visitors from other houses.... searching for Karl...flying in the great broom race with Julia...watching Morpheus' play in the gardens..." Everyone kept sharing their memories as they packed.

Meanwhile in the study room, a moment broke in there where some of the Hufflepuffs were sitting, and started in on sharing end of year thoughts too. Elyranna Reginhart, first year student, was thinking about all that she learned and how it carried into her life, "Oh yes, everything I learned in Animal Mythology had such an impact on my life, I'll keep those lessons with me forever. Magical Mysteries made me more aware of hidden things and HPBA1 made me realize a lot of unseen facts and works behind the book and I read them differently now."

Professor Anya Chutney happened to pass by and wanted to share her thoughts with the students, "I learn things everyday," she told the students. "To me, HOL is a part of my real life. So, therefore, anything I learn (online) certainly translates itself into my day-to-day life outside of the computer. One thing I've learned scads about is LiveJournal. One of my fellow professors has taught me so much about coding - and, I have a blast with it." Talks continued, then Professor Sollarna Fumbleknot walked in and overheard the talks, smiled and added, "For me most recently, tips for motherhood." She then walked into the Hufflepuff Common Room; those who wanted to hear more followed her.

Back in the common room, where it was turning into a gathering of students, prefects and professors alike sharing memories and moment of the past year, final thoughts were being shared before more packing and finals had to be done. Emma Pacifica started out: "I hope that every one has had as wonderful an experience as I have this year and for all of those who have not had the opportunity to come and play in the Sett, I hope that they will find their way home soon." Many awws were heard; Ely added, "This year went really fast and I'm trying to hold on to every memory of it. I had the time of my life, and I am grateful to everyone for it."

More awws came as even more thoughts were shared; some got an idea to leave behind "shout out" notes on the board. Before everyone separated, Professor Fumbleknot got up. "Even though thoughts are beyond my grasp and ability," in regards to final thoughts on this past year; instead she waved bye to the Hufflepuffs to take care of business only to be seen giving her own shout out, she "wiggles bottom at everyone" on her way out of the common room!

If you would like to see more on the thoughts for those who sent in their views and thoughts, visit this web page.