Wizarding Times
June/July 2004

Orders of Helga
Hufflepuff Reflections
Through Lion's Eyes
Through Eagle Eyes
Through Snake Eyes
My Roman Holiday - The Spanish Steps
Interview with an Editor
Real Muggle Magic?
Carnival Fun!
Fashion Horoscopes
One Year On
Hufflepuff Philosophy
About Us

Wizarding Times

One Year On - HOL: An Oldie's-Eye-View

by Ceit Uiseag

A year ago I was a newbie... just sorted, discovering all the things HOL and Hufflepuff had to offer. I wrote a piece for the "Wizarding Times" - my very first article, on my thoughts and impressions from that time. So I'd like to round off the school year with another article of a similar nature.

Over the past year, HOL has become huge part of my life, and I would not have it any other way. My free time rapidly became filled with IRC, writing for the "Wizarding Times," being a part of the Spirit Committee, and to my surprise, becoming a prefect. There was also the buzz of classes starting, and the Hufflepuff Cheerleading Squad being set up. I had to organise my time much more than I had needed to before, and I did find IRC very addictive, although having a cut-off from the internet every two hours by my ISP helped me keep things in perspective.

So the school year began in earnest, with me learning the ropes as a prefect, trying to get revenge on Parker for putting shampoo all over my robes, and making many new friends. With every day that passed, and new situations occurring, I learned that, prefect or not, there was still a lot to learn... looking up to those more experienced than me has (and still does) help, and I'm glad to be part of the Huffle Staff.

Soon though, Hufflepuff and HOL as a whole was deeply saddened by the passing away of Taia, a much loved member of our community. We all saw HOL pull together, with everyone helping each other to come to terms with the enormous loss. Bonds of friendship were strengthened at this time, and I remember being on IRC, everyone talking under their real-life names instead of their HOL names, sharing thoughts and memories of Taia.

Hard work continued, and Hufflepuff began to edge into the lead in the points stakes, which motivated everyone to keep doing their homework and participating in contests. Hufflepuff contests were in full swing with the Hufflepuff Oscars going on, and other entertainment in the form of a musical written by Morpheus Androlicus, and the HuffleGryff House War.

Classes, once the initial excitement had evened out, became more in-depth - I was studying Advanced Practical Herbology, Harry Potter Book Analysis 1, Wandmaking and Kinda Ancient Runes, all of which I enjoyed. I was sad when the Herbology professor, Eugenia Twylantern, had to leave for a while, as I had really enjoyed her lessons. HPBA1, however, I wasn't so happy with... I had signed up on the spur of the moment for this class, and after the first few lessons, found I wasn't enjoying the lessons as much as I had expected, despite others liking the class very much. So, those two classes, I concentrated less on, and put more energy into Wandmaking and Kinda Ancient Runes, our wonderful Head of House's two classes.

In December, after talking for a while about it, I had a visit from Dom McDermott, who I had become very good friends with since my first week or so at HOL. We spent a wonderful weekend laughing and talking and falling in love... I had never given much thought to the possibility of meeting someone through HOL who would become more than a friend, although I knew of a few HOL couples. I was stunned and delighted and euphoric, almost having to pinch myself to make sure it was real. This was true magic.

By now, I was co-editor for the "Wizarding Times," primarily responsible for editing and proofreading, and was on the cheerleading squad as a full member instead of a reserve, and was having a great time. The Head cheerleaders, Olivia Kerne and Rikku Moranov, became my HOL sistahs, and both of them I consider two of my closest friends online or offline. There was much celebration when Olivia was made professor, changing her name to Prof. Olivia Rictusempra, along with my HOL brothah, Prof. Ikaika Kaleo, formerly James Lupin. Rikku, now Allegra Rasgota, was made prefect a few months ago, and after a hiatus due to real life commitments, is back and bouncy as ever.

Another surprise came early this year, when I had an impromptu tryout for the quidditch team, and was accepted... up until then, I had been under the impression that I couldn't stay on a broom for more than two seconds... now, I am junior captain of the Huff team, and communicate between the quidditch captains, Kelsey (also a HOL sistah!) and Emmy, and the Cheerleading captains, Allegra and Pezzie (and myself, but how can I communicate with myself?) to ensure that the cheerleading squad is always up to date on quidditch happenings. I've also taken two more classes - Introduction to Poetry, and Flick and Swish - both challenging, in-depth and interesting classes that I was pleased to pass.

During the year, there have of course been rough spots, disagreements and upsets... even in a place as great as Hufflepuff, utopia cannot be expected. We have come through those spots relatively unscathed, if wiser about the importance of listening, respecting, accepting and having general humility. To be part of such a huge, multi-faceted gem as Hufflepuff, and indeed HOL, one must learn to work as part of a team. Nobody can stand alone, as a team is composed of people working together to further the interests of the group as a whole, and not their own interests. The interests of Hufflepuff are having fun, providing a friendly, warm, safe place for all our students and those who come to visit us, to encourage our students, prefects and professors to make the most of ther talents and abilities and to strengthen their weaker aspects.

While many see HOL as a game, it most definitely is not. No, it is not 'real', and yes, real life takes precedence always, but HOL and Hufflepuff are nothing without the people in it, and those people ARE real. One of the most important skills in life is the ability to work as a member of a team, and HOL provides its members to develop that ability, while having a great time. Everyone should make the most of this chance. People fit in in different places - some take on many jobs in different areas, as I and many others have done, and others work intensely hard in the background, earning points by doing as much homework as they can. Regardless of where we fit in, we are all part of the same team, and we have a responsibility to that team to be the best we can be, to admit our limits and step back when we need to, to allow everyone a chance, to accept the differences in other people, to stand up for what we believe is best for the whole community, and to make sure that that community is the happiest, most productive, and silliest it can be.

So, what has my first year of HOL taught me?

It has taught me that I can hold people I have never met face to face dearer in my heart than many I know in real life. It has taught me that there are no barriers between people except the ones we make, and those can be broken down so easily. It has taught me that magic exists in the unlikeliest of places, and that all it takes to make that magic bloom and grow is the tiniest beginning spark of friendship. It needs work to keep it going, all communities, online or real life, need work to make them run smoothly, but as always, friendship, love, respect and acceptance are the most important things of all.

I want to say thank you to everyone who has made me and so many others feel welcome here, to those who gave us a chance to prove ourselves, to those who befriended us, who shared our happy times and our sad times, who corrected us when we were wrong, encouraged us when we faltered, cheered us when we were right. I've seen the people who started with me as uncertain, nervous newbies blossom and grow, finding their own places in this community, as students, as prefects, as professors, as friends.