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Hufflepuff Common Room

Carrie Warts

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Status Updates posted by Carrie Warts

  1. Always be yourself and let the world show the amazing person you are, Sirius! Sending love and smiles on your way for the day :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Prof. Sirius Fudge

      Prof. Sirius Fudge

      Tarma, nothing brought this on. :P You are greater, though. 

    3. Prof. Tarma Amelia Black

      Prof. Tarma Amelia Black

      .... I notice you don't say greater 'what'.  :lol:

    4. Carrie Warts

      Carrie Warts

      hahaha he picked my week 2 present :) which was a shower (2 a week) of best wishes until xmas.

      and you are the best, Tarma, you know it B) 

  2. Any ideas on what classes to take for my second year? There are so many to chose from and I don't have a time-turner to take all of them. I'm open for suggestions :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Prof. Rorey Padfoot

      Prof. Rorey Padfoot

      Classes can change a lot from year to year as old ones reappear and new ones created.  Maybe think of the criteria you want from a class, ie. easy, lots of puzzles, no puzzles, lots of writing, no writing and go from there when the new list comes out! :)

    3. February Fortescue

      February Fortescue

      I definitely agree with Prof. Rorey. Next's year's class list will have some of the same classes, but also some classes that aren't listed there right now, while others will be missing. And when choosing a class, I always look at the homework. 

    4. Carrie Warts

      Carrie Warts

      Thank you all! with all that in mind it should be a little bit easier to choose.
      You are the best <3

  3. Hi everyone!

    How are the classes so far? What classes are you taking?

    I'm so curious!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Carrie Warts

      Carrie Warts

      I'm taking Arithmancy as well! it's so much fun.

      Muggle Studies 80's edition sounds interesting :O

    3. Pezzie Wolfe

      Pezzie Wolfe

      Sweet! We should start up a study session in the Dorms. Or by the fireplace. :D

    4. Carrie Warts

      Carrie Warts

      That would be so cool! I'm totally down for it :D

  4. Hope you all had a great Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, or any celebration and that you are getting ready to receive this 2021 which I know will be better than this year *fingers crossed* .


    But please, remember all the good things from 2020, even if you feel like there aren't any, try and find the silver lining. 


    I know to me, HOL was one of the best things that could have happen to me this year and I'm forever thankful for all the games, classes and people I've met here <3


    Wish you all only the best.

    - Carrie.

    1. Prof. Tarma Amelia Black

      Prof. Tarma Amelia Black

      Thanks for being a lovely person, Carrie.   :goldstar:

    2. Carrie Warts

      Carrie Warts

      Thank you, Tarma, for being in my life this year <3

    3. Prof. Sirius Fudge

      Prof. Sirius Fudge

      Thank you, Carrie! Happy holidays to you and your family. :)

  5. Hello my dear Hufflepuffs! 
    Remember that this Sunday 16th we have Broom Games in the IRC in #broomgames at 9 PM HOL! hope to see you there :D
    1. Prof. Tarma Amelia Black

      Prof. Tarma Amelia Black

      Thank you for the reminder, Carrie. It was a lot of fun. :)

  6. November already? Where did the time go?

  7. Hi everyone!

    I am looking for recommendations on books, movies, and series. Everything is welcome!


  8. Hi dear Huffs,

    Just one more week before classes start, I'm so excited!

    Remember to go to Diagon Alley to get everything you need :)

    See you soon!

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