Serpentine Scoop: Slytherin Report
Welcome to the Slytherin Report! The time has come to say goodbye to 2020 and to welcome in a New Year! 2020 is not a year I shall look back upon with undiluted pleasure, but it did have its share of joys. Slytherin gained a new professor and 2 new prefects, and a Snake served a term as Head Student, so it definitely had many positives, but I'm more than ready for a new year. Here's to 2021!
January is off to a wonderful new start! Slytherin is wrapping up 'Tis the Season, which was a great success. There's nothing like holidays foods, decorations, music, presents, and international trivia to get your focus onto the December festivities! And, speaking of presents, Prefect Arianna Stonewater once again hosted her Silver Snake activity, leading to the enjoyed sharing and receiving of gifts.
Slytherin has its annual Winter Fling coming up in the very near future, and this one is extra special, I think. Prefect Emily Spencer has created something truly magical and different for our Winter Wonderland.
Land of the Sweets will be wrapping up this month. Prefect Emily Spencer and I have enjoyed sharing this activity with the members of HOL and are honored our friends from another House invited us to participate. The Nutcracker is such a perfect story to be told around Christmas time, and I love all the sweets, as well as the battle between the soldiers and the mice.
Have you ever wanted to write an article, create a cool graphic, or share a puzzle? Now's your chance! SerpenTimes needs you!
If you're more interested in muggle arcade games, Prof. Will Lestrange heads our Arcade Club, where you can try your hand at the game of the month and compete against other players. Professor Scarlet Leslie-Lewis leads our Puzzle Exchange, which is the place to be for sharing and solving puzzles! We also host a Read Along, which is midway through Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, and is open to anyone who would like to jump in at any time. And lets not forget our popular Silly Snakes section, which is fun and games for everyone.
See you in the Dungeons!