Diamonds Galore: Diamond Report as of December 2020
Hufflepuff uses Diamonds to count the House points in the Harry Potter books. We do the same here at HOL Hogwarts.
Now we're halfway through the year of counting Diamonds for this school year. There are some changes made in the top Diamond gatherers from our last report! Remember, the three people with the most diamonds at the end of the school year earn awards. (You can see the count in the Sett. They are posted on a monthly basis and can be found here.)
People can earn diamonds by participating in different Hufflepuff activities in many areas in the Sett. The months of November had 13 Diamond earning opportunities and December had 16 of them. While some of these activities were in badger-only parts of the Sett such as the Huffle Kitchen and the Badger Library, many of the activities providing bunches of Diamonds are open to all people of HOL Hogwarts. If you are wanting to earn Diamonds, check out the Department of Huffle Games and Sports (DoHGaS), also known as the Games Tent, the Wonders of the World, and activities in The Fireplace and the Creative Club, located in the Fireside Area. In addition, look for House activities which are hosted on a regular basis. For example, we had major house activities such as the "Together in Thankfulness" in November and "Sleigh Ride 2020" in December, where lots of Diamonds were earned. There will be more opportunities like that in succeeding months.
Back to our Diamond count! So far, 59 people have participated with diamonds earned from 6 to 2,624. Twelve people have 1,000+ Diamonds earned and there are many who have between 300 and 1,000 Diamonds.
If you would like to see those who have the top Bags of Holding for Diamonds Galore so far, here they are!
- Harry Walles (Hufflepuff) - 2,624
- Mia Fountain (Ravenclaw) - 2,525
- Louis Walles (Slytherin) - 2,292
- Professor Will Lestrange (Slytherin) - 2,086
- Professor Tarma Amelia Black (Hufflepuff) - 1,980
- Sirius Fudge (Hufflepuff) - 1,646
- February Fortescue (Slytherin) - 1,617
- Lorainia Riverrider (Gryffindor) - 1,541
- Carrie Warts (Gryffindor) - 1,521
- Professor Felicia Hartwick - 1,430
See how close you are to getting in the top slots! The people and positions change as people participate in more activities. We invite you to check out the Sett for more activities. Who knows? You may get to see your name in the Wizarding Times as a diamond front-runner and earn awards at the end of the year.