Through Lion's Eyes: Gryffindor Report
Graphic by Rose Pottermore, Gryffindor
With the term coming to an end, the Den had been buzzing with activity, so read on to find out more about what we had been up to.
Our December Roleplay scenario was all about fun at the lake, which had been frozen solid, and our January Roleplay, Stars are Bright Tonight, continued on with the fun.
Our December activity, Owl Winter Long, had just come to an end. Everyone at the Hogsmeade Postal Service was very grateful for all of your help! If you missed it, don't worry, as our January activity, Career Change, has just begun. Head over to the forum to help the Hogwarts professors deal with the switch.
We put out our latest issue of the Paw Print in late November, which can be read here. You can submit to our next issue by posting your idea here.
Gryffindors, don't forget to check Here Dwell the Brave for more fun!