An illustration of a cat looking at a sign that says 'Privet Drive.' Overlaid in the right-hand corner is a white box that says, in purple writing, 'Wizarding Times Nov 2020

Starting Something New

By Gail Allen, Ravenclaw

Graphic shows golden rectangle, framed in slightly darker gold. A brightness of very pale gold radiates from near the center of rectangle, beaming rays outward. Words in center of rectangle, shown with gold font with dark gold outline, 'Starting Something New'.

Starting something new can be scary. Whether that means starting at a new school, starting a new job, or maybe something else entirely. The fact of the matter is that whatever it is, it will be unknown and humans as a rule are uneasy or even scared of the things they don't know – even the ones who are also excited and look forward. Being scared and excited are far from mutually exclusive.

So, how can we prepare for making a new beginning?

My first piece of advice would be to be aware of your nervousness or fear and allow yourself to experience it. It is not something to be ashamed of or to hide away. It is perfectly natural and should be allowed to be felt.

My second piece of advice is to try and learn as much as you can about the place you are going or the thing you will be doing as you possibly can. If you have a good base of theoretical knowledge, you will be much better equipped to deal with whatever comes your way.

The third piece of advice is one I personally struggle with, but that doesn't make it any less important: Don't be afraid to fail. It's important that we allow ourselves to not be perfect. If we hold ourselves to extremely high standards, we become too afraid to try and that's the worst that can happen. Try — if it works, great; and if it doesn't, then you can learn something and that's also great.

And lastly, the fourth piece of advice: Breathe. You can get through this and things will be alright.