Through Lion's Eyes: Gryffindor Report
The past months had been busy and meaningful for the Lions. Last September, the participants of the activity Magical Theatricals rightfully earned their rubies. It was followed by a more exciting month of October in Gryffindor, when we hosted our annual Gryfftoberfest celebration. Our beloved Fat Lady had gone missing and everyone's help was needed in finding her. Lots of rubies were up for grabs. We also had our new roleplay forum, where we were finding the Fat Lady with her friend, Violet. Twenty rubies were earned for every four or more posts! Hop over to the Den for more fun! In addition, our newspaper, The Paw Print, is also accepting submissions. This is a great way to earn points!
Gryffindors, don't forget to check Here Dwell the Brave for more fun!
Editor's Note: The title "Through the Lion's Eyes" was inspired from the article written by Jessie Barren in the June 2004 issue of the WT.