It's June! It's June! It's June!
Oh, my goodness, it's June again. Already! As I write this, so many students are finishing up some last-minute piece of homework or final, and professors are preparing to barricade themselves in their offices to get everything graded on time. What joy!
In some ways this year has felt really long. Like, really long. So long! But then I stop and think about it, and I can't believe we're already halfway through June. Didn't term just start last month? I suppose not.
When you get down to it, it's been a typical, if occasionally arduous, year; there have been ups, downs, changes, shake-ups, and all manner of interesting things happening. As the school year's winding down, it's good to take some time to relax. Go for a walk (before the temperatures get too high). Curl up with a favorite — or even brand new — book. Sit back, drink some iced tea, and watch a silly movie. Relax.
Because before you know it, the summer holidays'll be here, with its beach shindigs, summer Quidditch, parties in the Sett, and scores of new students to meet. You will have so much fun, but you'll be so busy, you'll wonder where your leisurely vacation got off to.
Happy summer hols, Badgers!
Prof. Cosmo