Hogsmeade Logic Puzzle
Hogwarts decided to host an all-Hogsmeade week outing for the students of Hogwarts (one of them was Neville). Since it was near Christmas, each friend had gone on a different day, to prevent others seeing what he or she bought for them. On their way back, five students stopped at Honeydukes and bought themselves their favourite candy. With the help of clues, determine which student went to Hogsmeade on what day, where they live while not at Hogwarts, and what candy they bought for themselves (one of them was sugar quills).
1. Lavender went to Hogsmeade the day before Colin.
2. The five students are the person who took a trip Monday, the one who lives on Tottenham Court Road, the person who bought peppermint humbugs, Oliver, and the person who went to Hogsmeade on Wednesday.
3. The five students are the person who ate Chocolate Frogs, the person who went to Hogsmeade on Friday, Colin, the one who lives in Godric's Hollow, and the one who lives on Wisteria Walk.
4. Among Colin and the person who ate Cockroach Clusters, one went there Friday and the other lives in Mould-on-the-Would.
5. The person who went to Hogsmeade on Monday is Luna.
6. The one who lives in Ottery St. Catchpole decided to go to Hogsmeade sometime after the person who bought peppermint humbugs.
7. The person who ate Cockroach Clusters arrived sometime after the one who lives on Wisteria Walk.
8. The person who went to Hogsmeade Thursday didn't chew the blood lollipop.